Helpful Links


  • Beit Morasha of Jerusalem
  • Web Site of the Kibbutz haDati Movement
  • Gesher - Israeli Organization Promoting Jewish Unity
  • Bar Ilan University
  • Ne'emanei Tora v'Avodah
  • Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger
  • Areyvut - Enhancing Jewish Education with Jewish Values
  • The Jewish Teacher Corps
  • American Jewish World Service
  • Academy for Torah Initiatives and Directions - R. Chaim Brovender
  • Ohr Torah - Stone Institutions
  • Orthodox Caucus


  • Kehillat Yedidya, a Modern Orthodox Congregation in Baka, Jerusalem
  • Pesti Shul, a Modern Orthodox Congregation in Budapest, Hungary
  • Yakar Center for Tradition and Creativity


  • Edah's Cyber Yeshiva - Free Online Shiurim
  • Edah's Online Learning Links Page
  • Modern Orthodox Summer Beit Midrash - R. Aryeh Klapper
  • Yeshivat Maale Gilboa, Sponsored by haKibbutz haDati
  • Women's Institute of Judaic Studies at Ein haNatziv, Sponsored by haKibbutz haDati
  • Judaism101
  • De'ot - Hebrew Journal Published by Ne'emanei Torah v'Avodah, Torah v'Tziyonut, and the Yakov Herzog Teachers College
  • The David Cardozo Academy - Online Lectures, Tapes, Books
  • Nishma - devoted to the further development of a wise and understanding people
  • Start a Religious Zionist Kollel in the Diaspora
  • Eretz Hemdah Religious Zionist Advanced Kollel
  • Chovevei Torah - Modern Orthodox Yeshiva and Smicha Program
  • Yeshiva University
  • Conference for the Advancement of Jewish Education
  • Jewish University in Cyberspace


  • Edah's Extensive "Support Israel" Links List
  • Israel Action Center - Extensive Resource of Israel-Related Information and Links
  • Palestine Facts - Maps & Historical Data
  • Myths and Facts Online - A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict
  • Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • World Zionist Organization
  • International Coalition for Missing Israeli Soldiers
  • Nefesh b'Nefesh - Supporting American Aliyah
  • Religious Zionists of America
  • Tehilla - Movement for Religious Aliyah
  • Israel's Offer to the Palestinians in 2000
  • Shabbat/Holiday Flowers from Kibbutz Sa'ad - Updated Weekly
  • Kipa - Popular Religious Zionist Web Site (Hebrew)
  • Moreshet - Another Popular Religious Zionist Web Site (Hebrew)
  • Kol-Israel - Live Updates from Israel


  • The Orthodox Union
  • Jews for Judaism - Response to Deceptive Missionaries
  • Just-Tzedakah


  • ATID's links page on Jewish Learning, Israel, and Jewish Organizations
  • Shamash - Links Page
  • Maven - Israeli/Jewish Web Portal Page
  • Edah's Extensive "Support Israel" Links List
  • Israel Action Center - Extensive Resource of Israel-Related Information and Links
  • Walla - Popular Israel Web Portal (Hebrew)


  • End the Madness
  • Frumster - Orthodox Singles Site


  • The Orthodox Union's Online Job Bank
  • Jewish Job Finder
  • Clearing-House for Jewish Communal Jobs
  • Job Listings for Jewish Federation Positions
  • Development Resource Group - Jewish and non-Profit Executive Placement


  • ITIM- Jewish Lifecycle Information Center
  • Navigating the Bible, a means by which a child can study for his Bar Mitzvah
  • Jewish Funerals, Burials, and Mourning


  • Yoatzot Halacha - Nishmat Women's Halachic Website and Hotline
  • Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance
  • Kolech - Religious Women's Forum in Israel
  • Getora - Organization for the Resolution of Agunot
  • Mevo Satum: Resource for Agunot
  • Kayama - Information on Obtaining a Jewish Divorce


  • JewishGen: The Home of Jewish Genealogy
  • Cybrary of the Holocaust
  • Museum of Tolerance Online Multimedia Learning Center
  • American Jewish Historical Society


  • Virtual Jerusalem
  • Jewish Directory
  • Jewish Community

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