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Category:God, Prayer and Spirituality
Title:Finding a Spiritual Home: How a New Generation of Jews Can Transform the American Synagogue
Author:Rabbi Sidney Schwarz
Publisher or Source:Jossey-Bass Inc., 2000
Synopsis: In this illuminating look a Judaism''s future, Rabbi Sidney Schwarz offers a penetrating analysis of the American Jewish community, challenging American synagogues to respond to a generation of seekers and satisfy the spiritual hunger of the "new American Jew." This groundbreaking book not only reveals the possibilities of this new, vital spiritual culture, but also offers strategies for transforming any congregation into a place that the Jews of today can truly call home. Arguing for the creation of a new model--the synagogue community--Schwarz profiles four innovative synagogues (one from each of the major movements in American Judaism) that have had extraordinary success with this new approach to congregational life. Schwarz presents way to replicate their success and transform our understanding of the synagogue and its potential for American Jews.
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