62 files were found

"Educating Our Youth" , Yissocher Frand
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
"Issues on Integrity in the Synagogue and School" , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"Jewish Censorship in literature in Modern Times' , Shnayer Leiman
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
"Our Obligation to our Children" , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"Teaching our Children" , Yissocher Frand
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
Families, Rabbis and Education, Essays on Traditional Jewish Society in Eastern Europe , Shaul Stampfer
Description: not available
Source: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization March 2005
Lithuanian Yeshivas of the Nineteenth Century: Creating a Tradition of Learning , Shaul Stampfer
Description: not available
Source: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, July 2005
The “Torah” of Criticism and the Criticism of Torah: Recuperating the pedagogical moment , Susan Handelman
Description: not available
Source: Interpreting Judaism in a Postmodern age Kepnes, S
'The Jewish Condition and Jewish Education: Educational Issues in Jewish Identity in the US' , Dr. Alvin I. Schiff
Description: not available
Source: Making a Difference: Jewish Identity and Education
The Jewish Day School in America , Dr. Alvin I. Schiff
Description: not available
Source: not available
Day School Symposium , Rabbi Saul J. Berman
Description: not available
Source: Tradition 13:1
'Frankl's Logotherapy and Its Implications for Jewish Education' , Rabbi Reuven Bulka
Description: not available
Source: Le'eylah, 27
'Inculcating Ethical Ideals Within Our Students' , Rabbi Shlomo Riskin
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 19:3
'Ivrit Bi'Ivrit' , Joel Wolowelsky
Description: not available
Source: Ten Da'at 4:2, 1990
'Jewish Adult Education: Creating an Educational Democracy' , Erica Brown
Description: not available
Source: Ten Da'at 4:1, 1996
Jewish Education: Problems, Prospects and the Challenge , Dr. Alvin I. Schiff
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Education 45:4, 1981
'Open-Mindedness and the Yeshiva High School' , Rabbi Jack Bieler
Description: not available
Source: Ten Da'at 4:2, 1990
Preserving Modern Orthodoxy in our Day Schools , Rabbi Jack Bieler
Description: not available
Source: Edah, Monograph Series, Number 2
'Rav Yitzchal Hutner's Lecture to a Teachers' Conference' , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 19:3
'Textual Transmission' , Moshe  Bernstein
Description: not available
Source: Ten Da'at 4:1, 1989
'The Approach of Classical Jewish Exegetes to Peshat and Drash and Its Implications for the Teaching of Bible Today' , Dr. Yeshayahu Maori
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 21:3
'The Broken Hedge of Roses: Sex Education and the Jewish Teenager' , Erica Brown
Description: not available
Source: Le'elah 38
'The Centrist Torah Educator Faces Critical Ideological and Communal Challenges' , Dr. Alvin I. Schiff
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 19:4
'The Importance of Cultural Context: Teaching the Flood Story' , Joel Wolowelsky
Description: not available
Source: Ten Da'at 4:1. 1996
"What" hath Brisk wrought; the Brisker derekh revisited-- , Mosheh Lichtenstein
Description: not available
Source: Torah U-Madda Journal 9, 2000 (1-18)
Educating for a Lifetime: Basics of Jewish Knowledge in the Modern Orthodox High School Curric-- , Tamar Hordes
Description: not available
Source: ATID 2000
The Challenge of Building and Improving an Adult Jewish Education Program: A Case Study -- , Ami Hordes
Description: not available
Source: ATID 2000
Learning To See: The Relevance of Cultural Studies, and the Jewish Educational Context -- , Naftali D. Goldberg
Description: not available
Source: ATID 2002
Educating for Modern Orthodoxy-- , Sally Mayer
Description: not available
Source: Sh’ma Feburary 2001
Theological Issues for Orthodox Educators -- , Rabbi Jack Bieler
Description: not available
Source: Sh’ma Janurary 2001
Creating an Open Orthodox RabbinateSh'ma -- , Rabbi Dov Linzer
Description: not available
Source: Sh'ma Janurary 2003
Creating an Open Orthodox Rabbinate-- , Avi Weiss
Description: not available
Source: Sh'ma Janurary 2003
How a Holy Community Connects Individuals and Institutions-- , Tsvi Blanchard
Description: not available
Source: Sh'ma September 2001
The Challege of Creative Teens-- , Sura Jeselsohn
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Action 59 (4) summer 1999
En-gendered Identities:Accounting for Gender in Religious Educational Role Modeling -- , Rachel Furst
Description: not available
Source: ATID 2002
The Principal of the Israeli Religious High School for Girls: Vision and Role(Hebrew) -- , Adina Luber
Description: not available
Source: ATID 2002
A Call for Papers in Jewish Education , Naftali Harcsztark
Description: N/A
Source: The Edah Journal 2:2
Conceptions of the study of Jewish texts in teachers' professional development-- , Rabbi Dr. Elie Holzer
Description: not available
Source: Religious Education 97:4 (377-403) 2002
Creating a new vision for the American Jewish community: the challenge of developing leaders and storytellers for our future-- , Barry Shrage
Description: not available
Source: Journal of Jewish Communal Service 76:4 (292-298)
Insuring effective Jewish education-- , Dr. Alvin I. Schiff
Description: not available
Source: Creating the Jewish Future (148-161) 1999
Jewish and Secular Studies: Models of Synthesis-- , Rabbi Jack Bieler
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela 29 (22-25) 1990
Melamdim and mehankhim - who are we? : implications for professionalizing orthodox jewish education-- , Jeffery Saks
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela 51 (49-57) 2001
Wisdom From All My Teachers-- , Susan Handelman
Description: not available
Source: Atid and Urim Publication 2003
Wisdom From All My Teachers-- , Jeffery Saks
Description: not available
Source: Atid and Urim Publication 2003
Adult Jewish Education in the Modern Orthodox Synagogue A Study of Realities , Dr. Alvin I. Schiff
Source: not available
Are We Victims of Our Own Success? A View from the College Campus A Study of Realities , Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller
Source: not available
Aspects of Liberal Arts Education and Torah , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Source: not available
Aspects of Social Life in Rabbinic Literature: Education , Professor Isaiah M. Gafni
Source: not available
Book Reviews: Popular Books of Jewish Interest , Gitelle Rapoport
Source: not available
Challenges for Modern Orthodox Education , Rabbi Dr. Elie Holzer
Source: not available
Directions in Jewish Education , Rabbi Zvi Grumet
Source: not available
Fitting Talmud Torah into a Busy Life , Rabbi Gidon Rothstein
Source: not available
Is the Jewish School the Key to Jewish Continuity: The Truth about Jewish Education in America , Dr. Alvin I. Schiff
Source: not available
Jewish Education , Professor Daniel Sperber
Source: not available
Jewish Life-Long Learning , Dr. Alvin I. Schiff
Description: not available
Source: not available
Jewish Students on Today’s Campus , Rabbi Charles H. Sheer
Source: not available
Paradoxes of Affiliation: How We Create Our Own Teachers , Rabbi Eliezer Finkelman
Source: not available
Should I Send My Child to Lakewood, YU, or Harvard? , Dr. William Helmreich
Source: not available
Strategies for Permanently Upgrading Our Day School Judaica Curriculum , Professor B. Barry Levy
Source: not available
Universal Adult Jewish Literacy , Barry Shrage
Source: not available
What We Know Is Who We Are: The Case for Day Schools , Rabbi Nathan Laufer
Source: not available
Who Are the Graduates of Our Yeshivot and Day Schools: Is the Jewish Day School the Antidote to Intermarriage? , Dr. Alvin I. Schiff
Source: not available
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