40 files were found

"Concept of Kahal" , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"Confronting a Jewish Cataclysm: Dooming Statistics and the Beginnings of a Solution" , Rabbi Maurice Lamm
Description: not available
Source: www.torahtapes.com
A House Divided: Orthodoxy and Schism in Nineteenth Century Central European Jewry , Ziporah Brody
Description: not available
Source: University Press of New England 2002
A House Divided: Orthodoxy and Schism in Nineteenth Century Central European Jewry , Jacob Katz
Description: not available
Source: University Press of New England 2002
Americanization of the Jews , Norman Cohen
Description: How did Judaism, a religion so often defined by its minority status, attain equal footing in the trinity of Catholicism, Protestantism, and Judaism that now dominates modern American religious life? THE AMERICANIZATION OF THE JEWS seeks out the effects of this evolution on both Jews in America and an America with Jews.
Source: New York University Press, 1995
And I Will Dwell in Their Midst: Orthodox Jews in Suburbia , Etan Diamond
Description: not available
Source: University of North Carolina Press 2000
Cosmopolitans and Parochials: Modern Orthodox Jews in America , Dr. Samuel Heilman
Description: Far from simply vanishing in the face of modernity, Orthodox Jews in the United States today are surviving and flourishing. Samuel Heilman and Steven Cohen, both distinguished scholars of Jewish studies, have joined forces in this pathbreaking book to articulate this vibrancy and to characterize the many faces of Orthodox Jerry in contemporary America.
Source: University of Chicago Press, 1990
Jew vs. Jew: The Struggle for the Soul of American Jewry , Samuel G. Freedman
Description: At a time when American Jews should feel more secure and cohesive than ever, civil war is tearing apart their community. Congregations, neighborhoods, even families are taking sides in battles about Jewish identity and Jewish authenticity. The conflict pits fundamentalist against secularist, denomination against denomination, even liberal against conservative within each branch of Jewry. Jew vs. Jew tells the story of how American Jewry has increasingly -- and perhaps terminally -- broken apart in the last forty years.
Source: Simon & Schuster, 2000
Judaism and Civil Religion , Daniel S Breslauer
Description: not available
Source: Scholars Press, 1993
Returning to the Tradition: The Contemporary Revival of Orthodox Judaism , Murray Herbert Danzger
Description: This book focuses "on the 'ba'al teshuvah' (return to traditional Judaism) movement in Israel and America. . . . {Danzger} assesses the motivation, background, experiences, and religious expectations of returnees to Judaism. .. . Beginning with a discussion on origins of return (home, synagogue, yeshiva), he {attempts to} trace the conflict between returnees' worldly values and religious authority and the efforts, on the one hand, to make these concerns part of the traditionalist world (such as saving a gentile on the Sabbath) and,on the other, to apply strict Orthodox mores (such as non equality in public prayer) to returnees' own circumstances. Also he {seeks to} portray parallelsand differences between Jewish and Christian revivalism." (Choice) Glossary. Bibliography. Index.
Source: Yale University Press, 1990
The Men and Women of Yeshiva: Higher Education, Orthodoxy, and American Judaism , J.S. Gurock
Description: This is an account "of Yeshiva's first 100 years by . . . a professor of history at the school. . . . {He} traces Yeshiva's history from a small Jewish school on the Lower East Side to a major university." (N Y Times Book Rev) Index.
Source: Columbia University Press, 1988
Individualism and Collectivism , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda II, 1990
The Future of American Orthodoxy-- , Jonathan D. Sarna
Description: not available
Source: Sh’ma, February 2001
Probing the Carlebach Phenomenon-- , Avraham Arieh Trugman
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Action, winter 63:2 2002
Jew vs. Jew: Cracks in the American Mosaic-- , Eytan Kobre
Description: not available
Source: The Jewish Observer 33 november 2000
Jewish Orthodoxy as an academic sub-discipline: Implications for Jewish life today-- , Seth Farber
Description: not available
Source: Le’ela 49 June 2000
Judaism or Judaisms: Jewry or Jewries? -- , Rabbi Saul J. Berman
Description: not available
Source: American Judaism, Present and Future (11-20) ;Fall
Repentant Man - A High Level in Rabbi Soloveitchik's Typology of Man-- , Pinchas Peli
Description: not available
Source: not available
Repentant Man - A High Level in Rabbi Soloveitchik's Typology of Man , Pinchas Peli
Description: not available
Source: not available
Twentieth-century American Orthodoxy's era of non-observance, 1900-1960-- , J.S. Gurock
Description: not available
Source: Torah U-Madda Journal 9 (2000) 87-107
Who are today’s modern orthodox?-- , David Singer
Description: not available
Source: Sh’ma, 13/257 September 16 1983
American Jewish Community: Past, Present, and Future , Dr. Steven T. Katz
Source: not available
American Jewry Since World War II: Where Is It Going? , Dr. Steven Bayme
Source: not available
Aspects of Social Life in Rabbinic Literature: Community , Professor Isaiah M. Gafni
Source: not available
Bringing about Jewish Unity in America and Israel , Dr. William Helmreich
Source: not available
Building Community: Synagogue as Community , Rabbi Asher Lopatin
Source: not available
Building Sacred Communities: The Centrality of the Synagogue in Creating a Jewish Renaissance , Barry Shrage
Source: not available
Coming Jewish Renaissance: The Orthodox Opportunity in the 21st Century , Barry Shrage
Source: not available
Community Building: What Should a Jewish Community Become? How Can We Do That? , Barry Shrage
Source: not available
Comparing Modern Orthodoxy in Israel and the United States , Professor Charles Liebman
Source: not available
How To Be a Jewish Leader , Rabbi Nathan Laufer
Source: not available
Jewish Continuity Debate: What Can the Community Do? What Should It Do? , Dr. Steven Bayme
Source: not available
Jewish Renaissance: Rebuilding Jewish Life in the 21st Century , Barry Shrage
Source: not available
Our Brother’s Keepers: The Meaning of Jewish Peoplehood , Rabbi Nathan Laufer
Source: not available
Prospects for Jewish Survival in the United States , Professor Charles Liebman
Source: not available
Rise and Fall (and Renaissance) of Modern Orthodoxy , Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller
Source: not available
Surprising Resurgence of American Orthodox Judaism , Dr. Benny Kraut
Source: not available
War between the Jews: Are We Becoming Two Peoples? , Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller
Source: not available
What Jewish Tradition Has To Say about the Concept of Jewish Community , Dr. Alvin I. Schiff
Source: not available
Will There Be One Jewish People after the Year 2000: The Conflict over Jewish Unity , Rabbi Irving Greenberg
Source: not available
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