36 files were found

"Jewish Women in the Workforce" , Yissocher Frand
Description: not available
Source: Yad Yechiel Foundation c. 1990
"Shulkhan Aruch: New Settings at the Table" , Rochelle L. Millen
Description: not available
Source: 914-794-2222
"Single Women: Issues in the Community" , Suri Kasirer
Description: not available
Source: 914-794-2222
"Stepping Out: Orthodox Women on the College Campus" , Rabbi Charles H. Sheer
Description: not available
Source: 914-794-2222
"The Synagogue: Expanding Women's Roles" , Dr. Deborah Weissman
Description: not available
Source: 914-794-2222
"Why Only Men Rabbis?" , Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller
Description: not available
Source: http://clubs.yucs.org/torahtapes/ac.html
"Women and the Future of American Jewry" , Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald
Description: not available
Source: 1800-44-TORAH
'Rabbinic Ordination' , Rabbi Adam Mintz
Description: not available
Source: 914-794-2222
Welcome; Gender and Traditional Texts , Dr. Tamar Ross
Description: Welcome: Blu Greenberg Gender and Traditional texts: Dr. Tamar Ross, Dr. Susan Shapiro, Rabbi Haskel Lookstein
Source: 914-794-2222
A Return to Modesty , Wendy Shalit
Description: A fresh young voice offers women a surprising proposal for taking control of their lives: a resurrection of the rich and nuanced tradition of modesty
Source: Simon & Schuster, 1999
A Torah View on Women...and on Women's Lib: Featuring the Jewish Women, a Chapter of Judaism Eternal , Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch
Description: not available
Source: In Accordance, 1976
The Jewish Woman in Contemporary Society: Transitions and Traditions , Adrienne Baker
Description: What does it mean to be a Jewish woman today? To an Orthodox woman, it means living a religious way of life in which serving God totally defines her self-perception and her role as wife and mother. For the secular woman, it means having a sense of belonging, although not necessarily to a specific Jewish community. Most contemporary Jewish women fall somewhere in between, but at the core of all of their identities is a complex interweaving of religious and ethnic elements, a shared history, and a collective memory of periods of prejudice, persecution, wandering, and resettlement. Focusing on Jewish women in the United States and Britain, Adrienne Baker examines such issues as women's role in religious law, the spectrum of synagogue observance, the mother's role as conveyor of tradition, conversion and inter- faith marriages, and sexuality. In particular, the book examines the impact of feminism on Jewish women and their culture, uncovering the counterinfluences of tradition and new freedoms on women's lives.
Source: New York University Press 1993
The Jewish Woman: New Perspectives , Elizabeth Koltun
Description: not available
Source: New York: Schocken Books 1976
The Voice of Sarah: Feminine Spirituality and Traditional Judaism , Tamar Frankiel
Description: not available
Source: Biblio Press: the Jewish Women's Publisher, 1995
Emerging Leadership Roles for Women in the Orthodox Community: Triumphs and Challenges , Devorah Zlochower
Description: not available
Source: Sh'ma, April 2002
Mikveh for Women on Erev Yom Kippur , Gitelle Rapoport
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela 46
The Apron, the Sefer and the Briefcase: Is Feminism Compatible with Judaism? , Erica Brown
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela 32
The Silence of Reyna Batya: Torah, Suffering, and Rabbi Borukh Epstein's Wisdom of Women , Dr. Don Seeman
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda VI
'Who Has Not Made Me a Woman' , Joel Wolowelsky
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 29:4
Orthodoxy And Feminism , Norma Joseph
Description: Norma Baumel Joseph explicates the Orthodox feminist demand for more inclusive roles for Jewish women, including fuller participation in communal and religious activity. She examines four different models offered by Rabbis Yisrael Meir Ha-Kohen (Hafetz Hayyim), Samson Raphael Hirsch, Moshe Feinstein, and Joseph B. Soloveitchik to justify the acceptance of women's Torah study, in an attempt to determine a valid halakhic model for feminist innovation.
Source: The Edah Journal Volume 1:2
Qeri'at ha-Torah by Women: A Halakhic Analysis , Mendel Shapiro
Description: Mendel Shapiro offers a comprehensive review and analysis of the halakic issues raised by women's participation in qeri'at ha- Torah (public Torah reading) in a traditional minyan (quorum) of men. The author argues that the only tenable halakhic objection to woman's aliyyot in such a service is the one raised by the Talmud--that the practice violates kevod ha-tsibbur (the diginity of the congregation)-- and that there are certain circumstances where women's aliyyot should be permitted.
Source: The Edah Journal Volume 1:2
Beruriah Revived: Feminism and Judaism , Dr. Jeffrey Woolf
Source: not available
Dont Call Her Sarai; Her Name is Sarah - An Orthodox Perspective on the Role of Women , Rabbi Dr Haskel Lookstein
Description: not available
Source: not available
Feminism and Orthodoxy: Perspectives on the Contemporary Debate , Dr. Jay Berkovitz
Source: not available
Feminism, Jewish Feminism, Feminist Pedagogy , Leah Shakdiel
Source: not available
Impact of East European Women on Jewish Demography , Professor Yaffa Eliach
Source: not available
Jewish Law, Human Rights, and Jewish Women , Sharon Shenhav
Source: not available
Making Shuls More User-Friendly to Women , Gitelle Rapoport
Source: not available
Orthodox Jewish Feminism , Dr. Adena Berkowitz
Source: not available
Orthodoxy Meets Feminism , Rabbi Dr. Jeremy Rosen
Source: not available
Shtetl Women: From Market Square to Wall Street , Professor Yaffa Eliach
Source: not available
Stereotypes of the “Jewish Mother” and the “J.A.P.”: Fact or Fiction? , Professor Sara Reguer
Source: not available
The Expanded Role for Women in the Orthodox Synagogue , Mrs Sharona Margolin Halickman
Description: not available
Source: not available
Theological Implications of Feminism on Orthodox Jewish Theology , Dr. Tamar Ross
Source: not available
Women and Torah Study: Past, Present, and Future , Gitelle Rapoport
Source: not available
Women in the Bible as Reflected in the Torah, Talmud, and Midrashic Commentaries , Mrs Sharona Margolin Halickman
Description: not available
Source: not available
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