50 files were found

"Civic Responsibilities- Israel/ Diaspora" , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"Jewish Society in Jerusalem" , Professor Moshe Sokolow
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
"Land for Peace" , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"The Role of American Jews in the Destiny of Israel" , Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald
Description: One tape $10
Source: 1800-44-TORAH
"Torah Im Derech Eretz in Israel" , Shnayer Leiman
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
Brother Against Brother: Violence and Extremism in Israeli Politics from Altalena to the Rabin Assassination , Ehud Sprinzak
Description: Brother Against Brother takes the reader through the critical turning points of Israeli political history, and introduces us to the leaders whose careers were baptized by blood. In a masterful blending of narrative and historical analysis, Sprinzak begins with the Altalena incident of June 1948, the first armed dispute between David Ben- Gurion's Labor-led government and the right-wing paramilitary Irgun organization, led by future prime minister Menachem Begin and concludes with the Rabin assassination in 1995.
Source: Free Press, 1999
Give us a King: Legal- Religious Sources of Jewish Sovereignty , David Polish
Description: not available
Source: Ktav Publishing House, 1989
Israel and the Politics of Jewish Identity: The Secular-Religious Impasse , Asher Cohen
Description: Since the 1980s, relationships between secular and religious Israelis have gone from bad to worse. What was formerly a politics of accommodation, one whose main objective was the avoidance of strife through "arrangements" and compromises, has become a winner-take-all, zero-sum game. The conflict is not over who gets what. Rather, it is a conflict over the very character of the polity, a struggle to define Israel's collective character. In Israel and the Politics of Jewish Identity Asher Cohen and Bernard Susser show how this transformation has been caused by structural changes in Israel's public sphere. Surveying many different levels of public life, they explore the change of Israel's politics from a dominant-party system to a balanced two-camp system. They trace the rise of the Haredi parties and the growing consonance of religiosity with right-wing politics. Other topics include the new Basic Laws on Freedom, Dignity, and Occupation; the effects of massive immigration of secular Jews from the former Soviet Union; the greater emphasis on liberal "good government"; and the rise of an aggressive investigative press and electronic media.
Source: John Hopkins University Press, 2000
Judaism, Human Values and the State , Dr. Yeshayahu Leibowitz
Description: This is a collection of twenty-seven essays on theological and political issues by the Israeli scientist and social critic.
Source: Harvard University Press, 1992
Religion, Democracy, and Israeli Society , Professor Charles Liebman
Description: not available
Source: The Sherman Lecture Series, 1997
Religious and Secular: Conflict and Accommodation Between Jews in Israel , Professor Charles Liebman
Description: From the Publisher: Among the essays in this book are "The Haredi Press and Secular Society" by Amnon Levi, "A Meeting of the Hearts: Reducing Tensions Between the Religious and the Non-Religious" by Yisrael Wollman, and "Political Partners: Relations Between Religious and Non- Religious in One Political Party" by Asher Cohen.
Source: Avi Chai Foundation, 1990
The Scroll or the Sword? Dilemmas of Religion and Military Service in Israel , Stuart A. Cohen
Description: Israel's defence forces have traditionally been considered immune to divisive tensions within Israeli society at large. Relations between religious and secular troops, especially, were for many years thought to be harmonious and consensual. The Scroll or the Sword? demonstrates that this is no longer the case. Constituting the first detailed analysis of contemporary Jewish religious attitudes towards armed service in Israel, this volume draws on a wide range of classical and modern sources to illustrate the variety of current theological challenges to Israel's military cohesion. Cohen's study is essential reading for an understanding of such issues as: the reaction of the national religious troops and their rabbinic leadership to the current peace process; the attitudes of orthodox and ultra-orthodox Jewry to compulsory conscription; and the concerns generated in secular Israeli circles by the existence of units composed of specifically religious personnel.
Source: Gordon and Breach Publishing Group, 1997
Avoidance and Conflict: Perceptions Regarding Contact between Religious and Nonreligious Jewish Youth in Israel , Ephraim Tabory
Description: not available
Source: Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 32
Does Place Make a Difference?: Jewish Orthodoxy in Israel and the Diaspora , Eliezar Don-Yehiya
Description: not available
Source: Israel as a Religious Reality, ed. C.Waxman 1994
Ethnicity, Religion, and Politics in Applying Israel,s Conscription Law , Menachem Hofnung
Description: not available
Source: Law and Policy 17, 1995
Jewish Messianism, Religious Zionism, and Israeli Politics: The Impact and Origins of Gush Emunim , Eliezar Don-Yehiya
Description: not available
Source: Middle Eastern Studies 23, 1987
Law and Religion in Israel , Izhak England
Description: not available
Source: American Journal of Comparative Law 35, 1987
'Messianic Postures in Israel Today' , Professor Menachem Kellner
Description: not available
Source: Modern Judaism 6:2, 1986
Mutual Perceptions of Religious and Secular Jews in Israel , Carol Gordon
Description: not available
Source: Journal of Conflict Resolution 33, 1989
Prestige of National-Religious High Schools and Social and Religious Orientations of Students , Mirjam Schmida
Description: not available
Source: Psychological Reports 70, 1992
Rabbinical Courts in the Evolving Political Culture of Israel , Martin Edelman
Description: not available
Source: Middle East Studies 16, 1980
Relations Between Religious and Secular Jews in the State of Israel: An Academic Appraisal , Eliezar Schweid
Description: not available
Source: L'Eylah 25, 1988
Religion and Politics in Israel and Jerusalem , Ira Sharkansy
Description: not available
Source: Judaism 44, 1995
'Religion, Ideology and Dissent in Contemporary Politics' , D.J. Schnall
Description: not available
Source: Tradition 18, 1979
The Failure of Religious Zionism , I.  Galnoor
Description: not available
Source: Jerusalem Quarterly 40, 1986
The Hesder Yeshivot in Israel: a Church-State-Military Arrangement , Stuart A. Cohen
Description: not available
Source: Journal of Church and State 35, 1993
'The Ideology of Hesder' , Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 19:3
The Religious Kibbutz Movement: The Pursuit of a Complete Life in an Orthodox Framework , Aryei Fishman
Description: not available
Source: Studies in Contemporary Jewry II, 1986
'The Spiritual and Religious Meaning of Victory and Might' , Dr. Yeshayahu Leibowitz
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 10:3
Concluding Responses to Qeri'at ha-Torah for Women , Mendel Shapiro
Description: not available
Source: The Edah Journal Volume 1:2
Israel and the Diaspora-- , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: not available
Two Public Letters of Rav Abraham Ha-Kohen Kook & The Responsum of Rav BenZion Uziel On Women’s Suffrage , Abraham Ha-Kohen Kook & BenZion Meir Uziel
Description: Translations of the halakhic opinions of Rav Abraham Ha-Kohen Kook and Rav BenZion Uziel on the questions of the permissibility women's suffrage, and more generally, women's participation in public life. The documents were written in 1919 and 1920, when the authors held the offices of Chief Ashkenazic Rabbi of Jerusalem and Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Jaffa respectively, and the question of women's suffrage was first debated in the Western world and Palestine. Rav Kook argued that women's suffrafe as well as participation in public life were strictly forbidden by Jewish law and ethics, while Rav Uziel maintained that both were absolute rights accorded women by the Torah and the logic of democratic principles.
Source: The Edah Journal Volume 1:2
Arab-Israeli Conflict: The Long-Range Prospects for Peace , Dr. Mervin Verbit
Source: not available
Attitudes toward the Land of Israel in Jewish History and Rabbinic Literature , Professor Isaiah M. Gafni
Source: not available
Between Babylonia and Eretz Yisrael: Models for Israel-Diaspora Relations , Dr. Jeffrey Woolf
Source: not available
Biblical Claim to the Land of Israel , Rabbi Charles H. Sheer
Source: not available
Center and Diaspora in Jewish History , Professor Isaiah M. Gafni
Source: not available
Does Zionism Really Matter: The Message of the 100th Anniversary of Modern Zionism and Israel’s Jubilee to American Jewry , Dr. Alvin I. Schiff
Source: not available
Israel-Diaspora Relations , Dr. Steven Bayme
Source: not available
Israeli and Diaspora Jews: Differing Perspectives on the Same Agenda , Dr. Mervin Verbit
Source: not available
Israeli Political Culture , Professor Charles Liebman
Source: not available
Modern Orthodoxy in Israel , Professor Alex Lubotzky
Source: not available
Modern Orthodoxy in Israel: The Promise and the Challenge , Dr. Jeffrey Woolf
Source: not available
More Precious than Oil: Water in the Middle East , Professor Sara Reguer
Source: not available
Mystique of Hebrew: The On Again, Off Again, Romance of the Jewish People with the Hebrew Language , Dr. Alvin I. Schiff
Source: not available
Peace and Jewish-Arab Coexistence as a Jewish Issue , Leah Shakdiel
Source: not available
Religious and Secular: Conflict and Accomodation Between Jews in Israel , Professor Charles Liebman
Description: not available
Source: Avi Chai Foundation
Social Change and Multiculturalism in Israel Today , Leah Shakdiel
Source: not available
Struggle for Israel’s Soul: Does Modern Orthodoxy Have a Chance? , Dr. Efraim Zuroff
Source: not available
Why We Should Keep Israel at the Center , Dr. Reuven Kimelman
Source: not available
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