72 files were found

"A 'Justification' for reading non-Judaic Literature" , Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
"Allegiances to Torah and Science" , Professor Menachem Kellner
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
"Chazal and Secular Wisdom" , Rabbi David Cohen
Description: not available
Source: www.tzemachdovid.org
"Creativity, Arts, Science: Bitul Torah, Mitzvah or Neither" , Rabbi Eliyahu Safran
Description: not available
Source: www.ou.org
"Jewish Eco-System" , Dr. Andrew Goldfinger
Description: not available
Source: http://clubs.yucs.org/torahtapes/ac.html
"Jewish Law and the Criminal Justice System" , Rabbi Yitzchok Breitowitz
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
"On Contradiction Between Torah and Science" , Professor Nathan Aviezer
Description: not available
Source: www.613.org
"Secular and Gentile Influence on the Jewish Scene' , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"Torah and Science" , Dr. Andrew Goldfinger
Description: not available
Source: http://clubs.yucs.org/torahtapes/ac.html
"Torah and Science" , Rabbi Mordechai Becher
Description: not available
Source: http://clubs.yucs/torahtapes/ac.html
"Torah and Secular Studies/ Scientific method," parts 1, 2, 3 , Dr. David Shatz
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
"Torah u-Madda: Lichatchila or Bidieved , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
'Orthodox Responses to Biblical Criticism' , Shnayer Leiman
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
'Response to Modern Scholarship on the Biblical Canon' , Shnayer Leiman
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
'The Ban on Secular Studies in Jerusalem' , Shnayer Leiman
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
Fusion: Absolute Standards in a World of Relativity: Sciences, the Arts, and Contemporary Life in Light of the Torah , Dr. Arnie Gotfryd
Description: Essays on science, the arts, and contemporary life in the light of Torah.
Source: Philipp Feldheim, Inc.,1989
Judaism's Encounter With Other Cultures , Rabbi Dr JJ Schacter
Description: From the Publisher: The issue of Judaism's relationship to secular learning and wisdom is one of the most basic concerns of Jewish intellectual history. The authors collected in this study discuss both sides of the issue and collectively offer an eloquent and convincing case for the perpetuation of Judaism's dialogue with the "outside" world.
Source: Jason Aronson, 1997
Rational Rabbis: Science and Talmudic Culture , Menachem Fisch
Description: RATIONAL RABBIS describes an essential similarity between Athens and Jerusalem -- between the rationality underlying the enterprise of western science and that of talmudic reasoning. More than faithful curators of a static tradition, talmudic antitraditionalists saw themselves much as scientists might see themselves today -- as intellectuals whose job was to find flaws in time honored theories, and to act rationally to improve upon them.
Source: Indiana University Press, 1998
The Jewish Idea of Culture , Sol Roth
Description: Rabbi Roth addresses the fundamental question of how Judaism, as a system of law, responds to culture. His main thesis is that culture possesses positive values and is entitled to the sanction and approval of the Halakic Jew. Roth examines the relationship of the secular to the sacred and discusses ways to reconcile faith and reason, science and tradition, and religious observance and cultural environment. He explores the limits beyond which the believer may not go without jeopardizing his faith by violating Judaic law and discusses the role of art and the artist in today's changing world. This provocative book, with a foreword by Elie Wiesel, may be too scholarly for some readers, but it is an engaging exegesis of Jewish religious thought rich in ideas and wisdom. George Cohen
Source: Ktav, 1997
The Wings of a Dove: Jewish Values, Science, and Halakhah , David Weiss
Description: not available
Source: not available
Torah and Science: Their Interplay in the World Scheme , Leo Levi
Description: not available
Source: not available
Torah Umadda: The Encounter of Religious Learning and Worldly Knowledge in the Jewish Tradition , Rabbi Dr Norman Lamm
Description: From Book News, Inc. , September 1, 1990: Lamm (president, Yeshiva U.) explores the relationship between Torah (Jewish learning) and Madda (secular knowledge). He explores six models of Torah Umadda, the intersection of Torah and wisdom, providing overviews of Jewish thinkers such as Moses Maimonides, Samson Raphael Hirsch, and Abraham Isaac Kook. For a general audience. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Source: Jason Aronson, 1994
A Room With a View but a Room of Our Own , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Modern Scholarship in the Study of Torah ed. Carmy
Camino Real and Modern Talmud Study , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Modern Scholarship in the Study of Torah ed. Carmy
Darwin and Drash: The Interplay of Torah and Biology , Carl Feit
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda II, 1990
Halakhah and Democracy , Dr. Gerald J. Blidstein
Description: not available
Source: Tradition 32:1, 1997
'Jewish and Secular Studies: Models of Synthesis' , Rabbi Jack Bieler
Description: not available
Source: L'Eylah 29, 1990
Judaism and Democracy , Sol Roth
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda II, 1990
Judaism and General Culture in Medieval and Early Modern Times , Dr. David Berger
Description: not available
Source: Judaism's Encounter with Other Cultures edSchacter
'Judaism and the Study of Literature' , Dr Morton Bloomfield
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 13:1
On Freedom of Inquiry in the Rambam and Today , Dr Lawrence Kaplan
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda II, 1990
On the Legitamacy or, Indeed, Necessity of Scientific Disciplines for True Learning of Torah , Professor Daniel Sperber
Description: not available
Source: Modern Scholarship in the Study of Torah ed. Carmy
'Practical Endeavor and the Torah u-Madda Debate' , Dr. David Shatz
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda III, 1991-92
Progressive Drash and Retrospective Pshat: Some NonHalakhic Considerations in Talmud Torah , Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Elman
Description: not available
Source: Modern Scholarship in the Study of Torah ed. Carmy
'Rabbi Mordechai Breuer and Modern Orthodox Biblical Commentary' , Meir Ekstein
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 33:3
'Rabbinic Judaism and General Culture: Normative Discussion and Attitudes' , Dr. Gerald J. Blidstein
Description: not available
Source: Judaism's Encounter with Other Cultures edSchacter
'Rabbinic Midrash as Evidence for Textual Variants in the Hebrew Bible: History and Practice' , Dr. Yeshayahu Maori
Description: not available
Source: Modern Scholarship in the Study of Torah ed. Carmy
'Rabbinic Openness to General Culture in the Early Modern Period in Western and Central Europe' , Shnayer Leiman
Description: not available
Source: Judaism's Encounter with Other Cultures edSchacter
Study of the Bible in Light of Our Knowledge of the Ancient Near East , Dr. Barry  Eichler
Description: not available
Source: Modern Scholarship in the Study of Torah ed. Carmy
The Interface between Economics and Halakhah: The Case for Minimum Wage Legislation , Aaron Levine
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda I, 1989
The Last Word in Jewish Theology? Maimonides' Thirteen Principles , Dr. Marc B. Shapiro
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda IV, 1993
'The Maharal of Prague on Combining Torah Learning with Secular Study' , Alan Kimche
Description: not available
Source: Le'elah 48
'The Nature of Inquiry' , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda III, 1991-92
The Orthodox Jewish Scholar and Jewish Scholarship: Duties and Dilemmas , Moshe  Bernstein
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda III, 1991-92
The Study of Bible and the Primacy of the Fear of Heaven: Compatibility or Contradiction? , Rabbi Mordechai Breuer
Description: not available
Source: Modern Scholarship in the Study of Torah ed. Carmy
'The Study of Science and Philosophy Justified by Jewish Tradition' , Abraham M. Fuss
Description: not available
Source: Torah U'Madda V, 1994
'The Tosafist Oeuvre and Torah u-Madda' , Rabbi Ephraim Kanarfogel
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda II, 1990
'Tora u'mada: A Reappraisal' , Dr. Jeffrey Woolf
Description: not available
Source: Le'eylah, 27
'Torah and General Culture: Confluence and Conflict' , Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein
Description: not available
Source: Judaism's Encounter with Other Cultures edSchacter
Torah and Science Constraints and Methodology , Moshe Tendler
Description: not available
Source: Torah u'Madda V,1994
'Torah Min Ha-Shamayim' , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Le'elah 40
Torah u-Madda Revisited: The Editor's Introduction , Rabbi Dr JJ Schacter
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda I 1989
Torah u-Madda u-Ma'asseh: An Apology for Yirat Shamayim in Academic Jewish Studies , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda II, 1990
'Torah u-Madda: the Unwritten Chapter' , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Le'eylah, 30
'Where Do Torah and Science Clash?' , Adin Steinsalz
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda V, 1994
A Tale of Two Cities: Frankfurt and Istanbul , Dr. Vivian B. Mann
Source: not available
Arts of Jewish Italy , Dr. Vivian B. Mann
Source: not available
Civil and Human Rights, Democracy, as a Jewish Issue , Leah Shakdiel
Source: not available
Consumer Affair , Commissioner Jules Polonetsky
Source: not available
Does the Bible Speak to Us before We Tell It What to Say? , Professor B. Barry Levy
Source: not available
First Jewish Collectors , Dr. Vivian B. Mann
Source: not available
Jewish Art , Professor Daniel Sperber
Source: not available
Jewish Art of the Middle Ages , Dr. Vivian B. Mann
Source: not available
Jewish Communal-Political Agenda , Commissioner Jules Polonetsky
Source: not available
Judaism and Psychology , Rabbi Abner Weiss
Source: not available
Living Together: Jewish and Islamic Art in Spain and Morocco , Dr. Vivian B. Mann
Source: not available
Modern Orthodoxy and Scientific Judaic Studies: How, How Far, How Much , Rabbi Alan J. Yuter
Source: not available
Orthodox Jews in Government , Commissioner Jules Polonetsky
Source: not available
Orthodox Jews in Politics , Dr. Adena Berkowitz
Source: not available
Political Update: New York or National Scenes , Commissioner Jules Polonetsky
Source: not available
Religion and Politics: Do They Mix? , Rabbi Dr. Jeremy Rosen
Source: not available
Separation of Church and State: Halachic Paradigms , Rabbi Barry Freundel
Source: not available
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