159 files were found

"About Rav Soloveitchik zt"l" , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"Concepts of Jewish Education" , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: www.torahtapes.com
"Man and Society" , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: www.613.org
"Man and the Jewish Approach to Man" , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"Philosophy of Religion" , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"Religious Definition of Man and his Institutions" , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"The Dilemma of the American Jew" , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: www.613.org
"The Rav as a Darshan" , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"The Rav as a Philosopher" , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"The Rav as a Posek" , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"The Rav as a Teacher" , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"The Teshuvot of Rav Moshe Feinstein" , Norma Joseph
Description: not available
Source: 914-794-2222
'Faculty Conference on Prayer' , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: www.torahtapes.com
'Humanism vs. Judaism' , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: www.torahtapes.com
'Philosophy and Origin of Prayer' , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: www.torahtapes.com
'Rav Abraham Kook' , Rabbi Berel Wein
Description: not available
Source: www.613.org
Abraham Isaac Kook , Ben Zion Bokser
Description: not available
Source: not available
Abraham Isaac Kook: The Lights of Penitance, Lights of Holiness: The Moral Prinicples, Essays, Letters and Poems , Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
Description: not available
Source: Paulist Press,1978
Before Hashem You Shall Be Purified: Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik on the Days of Awe , Arnold Lustiger
Description: not available
Source: Ohr Publishing, 1998
Between the Yeshiva World and Modern Orthodoxy : The Life and Works of Rabbi Jehiel Jacob Weinberg, 1884-1966 , Dr. Marc B. Shapiro
Description: 'A refreshing pleasure . . . arguably the best biography of twentieth- century rabbi yet written, a work of serious scholarship that greatly enriches our understanding of the history of European Judaism.' Allan Nadler, Forward
Source: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2000
Continuity and Innovation: Esriel Hildesheimer and the Creation of a Modern Jewish Orthodoxy , David H. Ellenson
Description: not available
Source: not available
Essays on the Thought and Philosophy of Rabbi Kook , Ezra Gellman
Description: not available
Source: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press, 1991
Exploring the Thought of Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik , Rabbi Marc D. Angel
Description: not available
Source: KKtav Pub, 1997
Fate and Destiny: From Holocaust to the State of Israel , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: Ktav Publishing, 2000
Five Addresses , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: not available
Guides for an Age of Confusion : Studies in the Thinking of Avraham Y. Kook and Mordechai M Kaplan , Jack J Cohen
Description: not available
Source: Fordham University Press, 2000
Halakhic Man , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: JPS, 1984
Halakhic Positions of Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik , Aharon Ziegler
Description: not available
Source: Jason Aronson Inc, 1998
Man of Faith in the Modern World: Reflections of the Rav , Abraham Besdin
Description: not available
Source: Ktav Pub, 1989
Of Socieities Perfect and Imperfect: Selected Readings from Eyn Ayah, Rav Kook's Commentary to Eyn Yaakov Legends of the Talmud , Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
Description: not available
Source: Sepher-Harmon Press, 1995
On Repentance: the Thought and Oral Discourses of Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveitchik , Pinchas Peli
Description: not available
Source: Jason Aronson Inc, 2000
Orot , Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
Description: not available
Source: Jason Aronson Inc, 1993
Poetry of Being: Lectures on the Philosophy of Rabbi Kook , Yosef Ben-Shlomo
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Lights Publications, 1997
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality , Dr Lawrence Kaplan
Description: not available
Source: NYU Press, 1995
Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik; Man of Halacha, Man of Faith , Rabbi Menachem Genack
Description: not available
Source: Ktav, 1998
Rationale of Halakhic Man: Joseph B Soloveitchik's Conception of Jewish Thought , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: John Benjamins Pub, 1996
Rav Avraham Itzhak Hacohen Kook: Between Rationalism and Mysticism , Binyamin Ish Shalom
Description: not available
Source: State University of NY Press, 1993
Reflections of the Rav , Abraham Besdin
Description: not available
Source: Ktav Pub, 1993
Shepard of Jerusalem: A Biography of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook , Dob Peretz Elkins
Description: not available
Source: Jason Aronson Inc, 1995
Shiurei HaRav: A Conspectus of the Public Lectures of Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik , Joseph Epstein
Description: not available
Source: Ktav Pub, 1994
The Halakhic Mind: an Essay on Jewish Tradition and Modern Thought , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: not available
The Lonely Man of Faith , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: A discussion of the meaning of the life of faith in the modern world uses personal testimony, Kierkegaardian reflections, and an extended commentary to look at faith in politics, business, science, and other areas
Source: Jason Aronson, 1996
Tradition in an Untraditional Age , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Vallentine Mitchell, 1990
A Glimpse of the Rav , Rabbi Mayer Twersky
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 30:4, 1996
A Halakhic Approach to Suffering , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda VIII, 1999-2000
A Hesped in Honor of Rav Yosef Soloveitchik , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Le-eylah, 36
A Response by Modern Orthodoxy to Jewish Religious Pluralism: the Case of Esriel Hildesheimer , David H. Ellenson
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 17:4
A Tribute to the Rebbetzin of Telne , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 17:2
Abraham Isaac Kook; the Dynamic of Sanctification , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Tradition in an Untradtional Age, Sacks
'An Enigmatic Equation in the Tshuva Lectures of Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik' , Arnold Lustiger
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 33:4, 1999
'Anthropology and the Religious Student; Between Love and Respect' , Dr. Don Seeman
Description: not available
Source: BDD - Bekhol Derakhekha Daehu 4, 1997
Benei Yosef Dovrim: Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik: A Bibliography , Zanvel Klein
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda IV, 1993
Between East and West: Modernity and Traditionalism in the Writings of Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg , Judith Bleich
Description: not available
Source: Engaging Modernity, ed. Sokol, 1997
'Between Metaphysical and Liberal Pluralism; A Reappraisal of Rabbi AI Kook's Espousal of Toleration' , Dr. Tamar Ross
Description: not available
Source: AJS Review 21:1, 1996
'Biblical Models in the Contemporary Thought of Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik' , Dr. Gerald J. Blidstein
Description: not available
Source: Literature and Theology, 8:3,1994
'Catharsis' , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 17:2
Confrontation , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 6:2
Confrontation: the Existential Thought of Rabbi JB Soloveitchik , Zvi Kolitz
Description: not available
Source: Ktav Pub, 1993
'Contending With Modernity; Scripture in the Though of Yeshayahu Leibowitz and Joseph Soloveitchik' , Avi Sagi
Description: not available
Source: Journal of Religion, 77:3, 1997
'Creative Repentance: on Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik's Concept of Tshuva' , Yosef Blau
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 28:2
'Dialectic, Doubters, and a Self-Erasing Letter; Rav Kook and the Ethics of Belief' , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality
Elements in Rav Kook's Legacy , Leonard Gewirtz
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 5:1 (42-57) 1961
Ger Ve-Toshav Anokhi: Modernity and Traditionalism in the Life and Thought of Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik , Moshe Sokol
Description: not available
Source: Engaging Modernity, ed. Sokol, 1997
'Halakhah, MetHalakhah, and the Redemption of Israel; Reflections on the Rabbinic Rulings of Rav Kook' , Michael Z. Nehorai
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality
'Harmonism, Novelty, and the Sacred in the Teachings of Rav Kook' , Rabbi Dr Norman Lamm
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality
Hermenuetics in the Thought of Rabbi Soloveitchik - Medium or Message? , Pinchas Peli
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 23:3 (9-31) 1988
'Immorality, Natural Law, and the Role of Human Perception in the Writings of Rav Kook' , Dr. Tamar Ross
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality
'Jewish Existenialism; Rosenzweig, Buber, and Soloveitchik' , Oliver Leaman
Description: not available
Source: History of Jewish Philosophy, Oliver Leaman ed.
'Joseph B Soloveitchik on Hermann Cohen's 'Logik der reinen Erkenntnis' , Reinier Munk
Description: not available
Source: Torah and Wisdom, Ruth Link-Salinger ed.
'Joseph B Soloveitchik: Conflict and Creation' , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Tradition in an Untraditional Age, Jonathan Sacks
Letter on Ahavat Yisrael , Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 24:1
'Majesty and Humility' , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 17:2
'No Elswhere: Fish, Soloveitchik, and the Unavoidability of Interpretation' , William Kolbrener
Description: not available
Source: Literature & Theology, 10:2, 1996
Of Eagle's Flight and Snail's Pace , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Engaging Modernity, ed. Sokol, 1997
'On Targum and Tradition; JJ Weinberg, Paul Kahle and Exodus 4:22' , Dr. Marc B. Shapiro
Description: not available
Source: Henoch 19:2, 1997
'On the Jewish People in the Writing of JB Soloveitchik' , Dr. Gerald J. Blidstein
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 24:3
'Paradox, Paradigm, and the Birth of Inwardness; On Rav Kook and the Akeda' , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Hazon Nahum, YU Press 1997
'Plumbing Rav Kook's Pantheism' , Bezalel Naor
Description: not available
Source: Engaging Modernity, ed. Sokol, 1997
'Pluralism and the Category of the Ethical' , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 30:4
'Poetry of Spirituality' , Jerome Gellman
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality
'Prayer in the Teachings of Rav Soloveitchik' , Aviad HaCohen
Description: not available
Source: Alei Etzion 9, 2000
'Prophetic Mysticism in 20th Century Jewish Thought' , Eliezar Schweid
Description: not available
Source: Modern Judaism 14:2, 1994
Rabbi A. I. Kook as an Authority Figure for Modern Orthodoxy , Binyamin Ish Shalom
Description: not available
Source: Engaging Modernity, ed. Sokol, 1997
'Rabbi Esriel Hildesheimer and the Quest for Religious Authority' , David H. Ellenson
Description: not available
Source: Modern Judaism 1:3, 1981
Rabbi Herzog's Approach to Modernity , Itamar Warhaftig
Description: not available
Source: Engaging Modernity, ed. Sokol, 1997
Rabbi J. B. Solovietchik's Early Epistemology: A Review of the Halakhic Mind , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: not available
'Rabbi JB Soloveitchik on Human Knowledge' , Aviezer Ravitsky
Description: not available
Source: Modern Judaism, 6:2, 1986
'Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik and the Philosophy of Halakha' , Schubert Spero
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 30:2
'Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik; the Early Years' , Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 30:4, 1996
'Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik's Early Epistemology: A Review of the Halakhic Mind' , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 23:3
Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveitchik and Belief in God , Schubert Spero
Description: not available
Source: Modern Judaism, 19:1, 1999
'Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveitchik's Philosophy Halakhah' , Dr Lawrence Kaplan
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Law Annual 7, 1988
'Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg's Lecture on Academic Jewish Studies' , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 24:4
'Rabbi Yehi'el Ya'akov Weinberg; Innovator and Conservator' , Judith Bleich
Description: not available
Source: WCJS- World Congress of Jewish Studies 11:B3, 1994
'Rav Abraham Isaac Kook and the Jewish Mystical Tradition' , Lawrence Fine
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality
'Rav Avraham Yizhak HaCohen Kook; Between Exile and Messianic Redemption' , Judith Winther
Description: not available
Source: Nordik Judaistik 9:2, 1988
'Rav Kook and Emmanuel Levinas on the non-Existence of God' , Bezalel Naor
Description: not available
Source: Orot 1, 1991
Rav Kook and Modern Orthodoxy: The Ambiguities of 'Openness' , Dr. David Shatz
Description: not available
Source: Engaging Modernity, ed. Sokol, 1997
'Rav Kook and the Jewish Philosophical Tradtion' , Dr Lawrence Kaplan
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality
'Rav Kook and the Return to Zion' , Paul Fenton
Description: not available
Source: Thinkers and Teachers of Moden Judaism, Patai ed.
'Rav Kook; Neither Philosopher nor Kabbalist' , Dr Marvin Fox
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality
'Rav Kook's Contested Legacy' , David Singer
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 30:3
'Rav Kook's Mission to America' , Joshua Hoffman
Description: not available
Source: Orot 1, 1991
'Rav Kook's Role in the Rebirth of Aggadah' , Bezalel Naor
Description: not available
Source: Orot 1, 1991
'Rav Kook's Theory of Knowledge' , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 15:1-2
Rav Soloveitchik as a Posek of Postmodern Orthodoxy , Walter S. Wurzburger
Description: not available
Source: Engaging Modernity, ed. Sokol, 1997
'Redemption, Prayer and Talmud Torah' , Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 17:2
'Religious Tolerance in Judaism, with Special Reference to Rav Kook' , Israel Ben-Yosef
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Affairs 42:9, 1987
'Repentant Man: A High Level in Rabbi Soloveitchik's Typology of Man' , Pinchas Peli
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 18:2
'Sabbath Lights: Sparks of Eternity in the Life and Thought of Rav Kook , Rabbi Moshe Zvi Neriah
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 25:3
'Scholars and Freinds; Rabbi Jehiel Jacob Weinberg and Professor Samuel Atlas' , Dr. Marc B. Shapiro
Description: not available
Source: Torah U-Madda Journal VII, 1997
'Shmuel David Luzzato and Neo-Orthodoxy' , David Rudavsky
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 7:3
'Soloveitchik's Halakhic Man, Not a Mitnagged' , Allan Nadler
Description: not available
Source: Modern Judaism 13:2, 1993
'Strauss, Soloveitchik, and the Genesis Narrative' , Jonathan A Cohen
Description: not available
Source: Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 5:1,1995
The Centrality of Creativity in the Thought of Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik , Walter S. Wurzburger
Description: not available
Source: Tradition 30:4, 1996
'The Cognitive Value of Religious Truth Statements; Rav AI Kook an Postmodernism' , Dr. Tamar Ross
Description: not available
Source: Hazon Nahum, YU Press 1997
'The Elite and the Masses in the Prism of Metaphysics and History; HaRav Kook on the Nature of Religious Belief' , Dr. Tamar Ross
Description: not available
Source: Journal of Jewish Thought & Philosophy 8:2, 1999
'The Gate to God's Presence in Heschel, Buber, and Soloveitchik' , Evan M Zuesse
Description: not available
Source: Thinkers & Teachers of Modern Judaism, Patai ed.
'The Golem of Scholem; Messianism and Zionism in the Writings of Rabbi Avraham Isaac HaKohen Kook and Gershom Scholem' , Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kok and Jewish Spirituality
'The Halakhic Hero: Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik's Halakhic Man' , Rabbi David Hartman
Description: not available
Source: Modern Judaism 9:3, 1989
'The Integration of Torah and Culture: Its Scope and Limits in the Thought of Rav Kook' , Dr. David Shatz
Description: not available
Source: Hazon Hahum, ed. Elman and Gurock
'The Land of Israel and Historical Dialectics in the Thought of Rav Kook: Zionism and Messianism' , Ella Belfer
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality
'The Land of Israel and the Thought of Rav Kook; Zionism and Messianism' , Ella Belfer
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality
'The Lonely Man of Faith Confronts the Ish ha-Halakhah' , Morris Sosevsky
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 16:2, 1976
'The Love of God in Maimonides and Rav Kook' , Dr Lawrence Kaplan
Description: not available
Source: Judaism 43:3, 1994
'The Multi-Faceted Legacy of the Rav' , Dr Lawrence Kaplan
Description: not available
Source: BDD - Bekhol Derakhekha Daehu, 7, 1998
'The Rav at Jubilee: An Appreciation' , Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 30:4, 1996
'The Rav: Biography and Bibliography' , Shlomo H Pick
Description: not available
Source: BDD - Bekhol Derakhekha Daehu, 6, 1998
'The Rav; Stranger in a Foreign Land' , Rabbi Dr Norman Lamm
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik, Menachem Genack, ed.
'The Religious Philosophy of Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik' , Dr Lawrence Kaplan
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 14:2
'The Rov' , Rabbi Dr Yitzchak Twersky
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 30:4, 1996
The Sacred and the Secular; Zionism, Education and Community; the Writings of AI Kook, YY Reines, and Sr Hirsch , Raymond Goldwater
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela 45, (38-45) 1998
'The Unity and Strucutre of Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik's Thought' , Dr Marvin Fox
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 24:2
'Tolerance and Its Theoretical Basis in the Teachings of Rav Kook' , Binyamin Ish Shalom
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spritiuality
'Torah U-Madda in the Thought of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch' , Dr Lawrence Kaplan
Description: not available
Source: BDD - Bkhol Derakhekha Daehu, 5, 1997
'Torat Chesed: A Bibliography of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein , Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 25:2
'Towards a Genuine Jewish Philosophy: Halakhic Mind's New Philosophy of Religion' , William Kolbrener
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 30:3
'Two Letters of Samson Raphael Hirsch' , Joseph Munk
Description: not available
Source: Le'eylah, 27
'Two Neo-Orthodox Responses to Secularization' , Eliezar Schweid
Description: not available
Source: Immanuel 20, 1986
'Two Types of Prayaer' , Bezalel Naor
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 25:3
'U-vikashtem mi-Sham: Rabbi Joseph B Soloveitchik's Response to Marrtin Buber's Relgious Existentialism' , Michael Berger
Description: not available
Source: Modern Judaism, 18:2, 1998
'What Would Rav Kook Have to Say About the State of Israel Today' , Dr. Tamar Ross
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality
Zion and Jerusalem: The Jewish State in the Thought of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook , Jerome Gellman
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality
Zionism as a Return to Sinai in Rabbi Kook's Thought , Dr Warren Z Harvey
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality
An Introduction To Maimonides’ “Eight Chapters” , Dr Lawrence Kaplan
Description: Maimonides' Introduction to his Commentary on Avot, known as “The Eight Chapters” (EC), has been lauded as the best introduction to Maimonides' philosophy---perhaps the best introduction to all medieval Jewish philosophy. This paper offers an overview of EC and presents the central theme of the work, seeking to show that Maimonides' fundamental claim throughout EC and Commentary on Avot is that the path to soul’s perfection is through acquiring the moral and the rational virtues. Obedience to the commands of divine law possesses only instrumental, not intrinsic, value. Throughout EC it is subordinated to the acquisition of the virtues. Maimonides attempts to develop a virtue ethics, in the light of which the authority of law and the necessity of obedience are upheld. This thesis renders EC a unified whole and unravels its many enigmas.
Source: The Edah Journal 2:2
Between the Yeshiva World and Modern Orthodoxy: The Life and Works of Rabbi Jehiel Jacob Weinberg , Rabbi Simcha Krauss
Description: An analysis of the biography of one of the leading posqim and rabbinic intellectuals of the 20th century. Emphasis on Rav Weinberg's attempts to coexist in both traditional yeshivah culture and the academic culture of critical Jewish studies, his identification with political Zionism, his relations with non-Orthodox and his philosophy of p'seqah.
Source: The Edah Journal Volume 1:1
Aspects of Thought of Rav Kook , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Source: not available
Aspects of Thought of Rav Soloveitchik , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Source: not available
Covenant and Community: Applying Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik’s Thinking to the Rebuilding of Modern Orthodoxy , Rabbi Irving Greenberg
Source: not available
Halachah and Spirituality: Rav Kook and Maimonides on the Relative Value of Sage vs. Prophet , Dr. Tamar Ross
Source: not available
Maharal of Prague: Of Golems and Geniuses , Rabbi Abner Weiss
Source: not available
Medieval Models for Orthodox Moderns: the Methods and Minds of Rambam and Ramban , Rabbi Alan J. Yuter
Source: not available
Philosophic Legacy of Rav Joseph Soloveitchik , Dr. Eugene Korn
Source: not available
Purpose of Halachah in Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik’s Thought , Rabbi Irving Greenberg
Source: not available
Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi and Integral Jewishness , Rabbi Melvin Granatstein
Source: not available
Rambam as a Guide for Our Time , Professor Menachem Kellner
Source: not available
Rambam on Prophecy , Rabbi Melvin Granatstein
Source: not available
Tolerance and Pluralism in the Thought of Rav Kook , Dr. Tamar Ross
Source: not available
V’Halachta B’Drachav: Imitatio Dei in Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik’s Thought and Its Implications for Modern Orthodox Jews , Rabbi Irving Greenberg
Source: not available
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