34 files were found

"After the Destruction: Pharisaic Supremacy" , Rabbi Dr. Jacob Reiner
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
"Heresy Accusations: The Emden-Eibeshuetz Controversy" , Shnayer Leiman
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
"History and Chronology of the Return to Zion" , Professor Moshe Sokolow
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
"Jewish Leadership: The Prophets and the Men of the Great Assembly" , Professor Moshe Sokolow
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
"Kiddush Hashem: Ashkenazi and Sephardic Approaches" , Professor Elisheva Carlebach
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
"Never to Return! Jewish Attitudes to Spain and Germany" , Professor Elisheva Carlebach
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
"Responsa and Reform in early modern period," parts 1, 2 , Professor Elisheva Carlebach
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
"The Hasmonian Encounter: Hellenism vs. Judaism" , Rabbi Dr. Jacob Reiner
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
"The Messianic Movement of Shabetai Zvi" , Professor Elisheva Carlebach
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
"The Pursuit of Heresy" , Professor Elisheva Carlebach
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
"Theological Approaches to the Holocaust and the State of Israel" , Professor Daniel J. Lasker
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
Facing the Truths of History , Rabbi Dr JJ Schacter
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda VIII, 1999-2000
God in History and Halakhah from the Perspective of American History , Zevulun Charlop
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda I, 1989
Haskalah, Secular Studies, and the Close of the Yeshiva in Volozhin in 1892 , Rabbi Dr JJ Schacter
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda II, 1990
Popular Jewish Religious Responses During the Holocaust and Its Aftermath , Professor Yaffa Eliach
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Perspectives on Suffering, ed. Carmy, 1999
Theological Responses to the Hurban from within the Hurban , Nehemia Polen
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Perspectives on Suffering, ed. Carmy, 1999
Before the Shoah: Jewish Responses to Adversity , Dr. Jeffrey Woolf
Source: not available
Does Jewish History Repeat Itself: Paradigm, Myth, and Traditions , Dr. Jay Berkovitz
Source: not available
Escaping Schism: Historical Precedents , Dr. Jeffrey Woolf
Source: not available
From Survivalism to Renaissance: Constructing a Positive Jewish Memory in the Wake of the Holocaust , Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller
Source: not available
From the Hasmoneans to “The Garden of the Finzi-Contini”: The Jews of Italy , Professor Sara Reguer
Source: not available
Hasidism: History and Theory , Dr. Steven T. Katz
Source: not available
Jewish Resistance during the Holocaust , Dr. Steven T. Katz
Source: not available
Messianic Movements in Crisis: HaBaD, Gush Emunim, Peace Now , Dr. Jeffrey Woolf
Source: not available
Rabbinic Understanding and Uses of History and the Past , Professor Isaiah M. Gafni
Source: not available
Response of Orthodox Jewry in the United States to the Holocaust , Dr. Efraim Zuroff
Source: not available
Spiritual Resistance: Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust , Professor Yaffa Eliach
Source: not available
Teaching Ancient History in Contemporary Israel , Professor Isaiah M. Gafni
Source: not available
Theological Explanations of the Holocaust: Two Conflicting Religious Paradigms , Dr. Benny Kraut
Source: not available
There Once Was a World: Restoring a Vanished Past (with slides) , Professor Yaffa Eliach
Source: not available
Tower of Life at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: The Family Album of Humankind (with slides) , Professor Yaffa Eliach
Source: not available
Uniqueness of the Holocaust , Dr. Steven T. Katz
Source: not available
Were We Our Brothers' Keepers? An Analysis of What American Jews Were Doing While Six Million Died , Rabbi Dr Haskel Lookstein
Description: not available
Source: not available
Women During the Holocaust: Women of Valor, Women of Pain , Professor Yaffa Eliach
Source: not available
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