46 files were found

"Business Ethics" , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
"Immorality in Others: Is it our Concern?" , Rabbi Reuven Bulka
Description: not available
Source: www.ou.org
"Moshe Rabbeinu: A Man of Social Justices and Special Effects" , Erica Brown
Description: not available
Source: www.ou.org
"Tikkun Olem as a Community" , Rivy Poupko Kletenik
Description: not available
Source: www.ou.org
"Tikkun Olem: Orthodoxy's Responsibilty to Perfect God's World" , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: www.ou.org
"Torah Values, Vegetarianism and Global Resources" , Dr. Richard Schwartz
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
A Sacred Journey: The Quest for a Perfect World , David M Elcott
Description: Sociology, psychology, and other academic disciplines illuminate the role of the Jew as an architect of change in the world.
Source: David Aronson Publishers, 1995
Ethics of Responsibility: Pluralistic Approaches to Covenantal Ethics , Walter S. Wurzburger
Description: not available
Source: JPS, 1994
Jewish Ethics and Halakhah for Our Time , Rabbi Basil Herring
Description: not available
Source: Ktav Publishing, 1984
Jewish Outreach: Halakhic Perspectives , Moshe Weinberger
Description: Published in conjunction with the Association of Jewish Outreach Porfessionals, this book examines the halakhic issues related to Jewish outreach. Among the specific questions the author examines are: What is the nature of the obligation to attract Jews back to Torah observance? Are ba'al teshuvah yeshivas obligated to teach Torah to all Jews who seek religious guidance? May halakhic concessions be made in synagogue services to attract ba'alei teshuvah?
Source: Ktav Publishing, 1990
The Hesed Boomerang: How Acts of Kindness Can Enrich Your Life , Jack Doueck
Description: This book promises to be the next "Chicken Soup for the Soul". It is a first-rate "Personal Growth" book. This is truly an incredible book about how acts of kindness never go unrewarded. This book will inspire you, leave you breathless and make you shudder. It will give you the tools you need to enrich your life. Whether you are looking for inspiration, fulfillment or reference material, this book will serve you well.
Source: Jesse M. Sutton Foundation, 1998
A Comment on Tikkun Olam and Political Activity , Nathan Diament
Description: not available
Source: Tikkun Olam, eds. Shatz, Waxman, Diament 1997
A Religious Context for Jewish Political Activity , Rabbi Jack Bieler
Description: not available
Source: Tikkun Olam, eds. Shatz, Waxman, Diament,1997
A View of Tikkun Olam from Capitol Hill , Jeffrey Ballabon
Description: not available
Source: Tikkun Olam, eds. Shatz, Waxman, Diament, 1997
Aspects of the Ideology of Capitalism and Judaism , Aaron Levine
Description: not available
Source: Tikkun Olam, eds. Shatz, Waxman, Diament ,1997
Divine Command Morality and Jewish Tradition , Avi Sagi
Description: not available
Source: Journal of Religious Ethics 23, 1995
Health Care and Tikkun Olam , Rabbi Barry Freundel
Description: not available
Source: Tikkun Olam, eds. Shatz, Waxman, Diament,1997
Jewish Value Perspectives on Poverty , Rabbi Saul J. Berman
Description: not available
Source: Board of Jewish Education of New York, 1978
Jews and Public Morality , Marc Stern
Description: not available
Source: Tikkun Olam, eds. Shatz, Waxman, Diament,1997
Liberal Theory and Jewish Politics , Martin Golding
Description: not available
Source: Tikkun Olam, eds. Shatz, Waxman, Diament, 1997
'On Law and Ethics in the Mishneh Torah' , Rabbi Dr Yitzchak Twersky
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 24:2
Personal Growth or Communal Responsibility?: A Question of Priorities , Benjamin Blech
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda I, 1989
Social Responsibilities of the Jewish Individual , Meir Tamari
Description: not available
Source: Tikkun Olam, eds. Shatz, Waxman, Diament, 1997
Tikkun Olam , Dr. Gerald J. Blidstein
Description: not available
Source: Tikkun Olam, eds. Shatz, Waxman, Diament ,1997
'Tzelem Elokim and the Dialectic of Jewish Morality' , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: not available
Source: Tradition 31:2, 1997
Increasing Moral Capital Through Moral Imagination: Its Use For Jewish Ethics In a Time of Crisis , Moshe Pava
Description: There exists an ethical crisis in traditional Jewish communities. One way out of this crisis is for communities to embrace moral imagination. This paper suggests that moral imagination includes each of the following elements: 1. Importing, 2 Responsible Choosing, 3. Inventing, and 4. Interpreting. The paper defines each of these elements and demonstrates how they can be of practical use in solving contemporary problems.
Source: The Edah Journal 2:2
Legal Floors and Moral Ceilings: A Jewish Understanding Of Law and Ethics , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: This paper analyzes the relationship of formal halakhah to Jewish ethical values, arguing for the necessity of extra-legal hesed, identified as autonomous action above and beyond the requirement of law (‘lifnim mishurat ha-din’). On halakhic, theological and philosophic grounds, the essay attempts to refute the theory of hard halakhic positivism, which maintains that formal halakhah constitutes the sole legitimate constraint upon human conduct and denies room in Judaism for moral demands advanced by conscience.
Source: The Edah Journal 2:2
You Shall Walk In His Ways , Dr.  Shalom  Rosenberg
Description: This essay examines "V’halakhtah B’drakhav" (Imitatio Dei) as the fundamental principle of Jewish ethics and the basis of halakhic morality. The principle is a meta-norm—a category by which Jewish legal rules, commands and prohibitions are to be judged—and is superior to the principles of "You shall love your fellow as yourself," (Lev. 19:18) identified as such by R. Akiva, and to "This is the record of Adam’s line," (Gen. 5:1) identified as such by Ben Azai. The author discusses these three principles as metaethical norms and their relationship to halakhah, demonstrating that the command to emulate God’s attributes is analytically tied to the concepts of humanity created in the image of God (Tselem Elohim), sanctifying God’s name (Qiddush Ha-Shem) and profaning God’s name (Hilul Ha- Shem). Unlike Lev. 19:18, its ethical significance is not utilitarian and points to human perfection. Its application has reference to gentiles, Jews and scholars.
Source: The Edah Journal 2:2
Abortion: Paradigm of Jewish Medical Ethics , Rabbi Saul J. Berman
Source: not available
Aspects of Relation of Ethical Philosophy and Religion , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Source: not available
Beyond the Requirement of ‘Din’: Legal Norms and Ethical Ideals in Torah Tradition , Dr. Eugene Korn
Source: not available
Biblical Ideal of Social Justice , Eric Weisberg
Source: not available
Boomerang Effect of Acts of Kindness , Jack Doueck
Source: not available
Building Communities of Torah, Tzedek, and Chesed , Barry Shrage
Source: not available
Encountering the Larger Jewish Community: A How-To Guide for Reaching Out to Younger, Older, Unaffiliated, and Handicapped Jews , Mrs Sharona Margolin Halickman
Description: not available
Source: not available
Ethics and Halachah: Tension and Mutual Influence , Rabbi Barry Freundel
Source: not available
Four Dimensions of Man: Achieving Balance in a Hectic Society , Jack Doueck
Source: not available
Halacha and Ethics , Rabbi Benjamin Hecht
Description: not available
Source: not available
How to Build a Better World: How to Inspire Volunteers , Jack Doueck
Source: not available
Human Dignity in Jewish Law , Ezra Rosenfeld
Source: not available
Jewish Ethics , Dr. Adena Berkowitz
Source: not available
Jewish Medical Ethics , Rabbi Abner Weiss
Source: not available
Pleasures and Pressures: The Jewish Sex Ethic , Rabbi Abner Weiss
Source: not available
Relationship between Ritual and Ethics , Rabbi Saul J. Berman
Source: not available
Taking Notice and Taking Action: The Keys to Chesed , Jack Doueck
Source: not available
Tzelem Elokim, Religious Extremism, and Torah Ethics , Dr. Eugene Korn
Source: not available
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