51 files were found

"Bringing Kedusha Into Your Life" , Rabbi Yitzchok Breitowitz
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
"Crash Course in Basic Judaism" , Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald
Description: The Crash Course in Basic Judaism tape series includes five tapes covering Rabbi Buchwald's renown lectures on Belief in God, Prayer, The Sabbath, Jewish Observance and Sexuality. Five tapes and case $35.
Source: 1800-44-TORAH
"Kabbalas Shabbos: It's Origin and Meaning" , Shnayer Leiman
Description: not available
Source: www.torahtapes.com
"Kiddush Hashem-Chillul Hashem: Sanctification from Within the Community" , Erica Brown
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"Reaching for Heaven: Themes for a New Year" , Rabbi Maurice Lamm
Description: not available
Source: www.torahtapes.com
"The Nature of Prayer" , Rabbi Yehuda Amital
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
'The Human Role in the God- Israel Covenant: Power, Authority and Responsibility' , Rabbi Irving Greenberg
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
'Torah: The Vision and the Process: Addressing the Gap Between Perspective and Contemporary Realities' , Rabbi Irving Greenberg
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
Finding a Spiritual Home: How a New Generation of Jews Can Transform the American Synagogue , Rabbi Sidney Schwarz
Description: This groundbreaking book…offers strategies for transforming and congregation into a place that the Jews of today can truly call home.
Source: Jossey-Bass Inc., 2000
Jewish Perspectives on the Experience of Suffering , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Jason Aronson, 1999
The Gate Behind the Wall: A Pilgrimage to Jerusalem , Dr. Samuel Heilman
Description: This book describes how an academic field study by an anthropologist became transformed into a spiritual quest in which the author found a gate behind the wall of his resistances to Torah study. It has been described as way to take the readers to places where they might never get themselves. The setting is Jerusalem, in the alleyways and study halls where tradition reigns supreme
Source: Jewish Publication Society, 1995
Annotated Bibliography to the Problem of Evil , Yitzchak Blau
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Perspectives on Suffering, ed. Carmy, 1999
'Destiny, Freedom, and the Logic of Petition' , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 24:2
'Holiness: A Command to Imitatio Dei' , Dr Warren Z Harvey
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 16:3
'Love: The Beginning and End of Torah' , Dr Warren Z Harvey
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 15:4 (5-22) 1976
'Metapsychological Dimensions of Religious Suffering: Common Ground Between Halakhic Judaism and Psychoanalysis' , Moshe Halevi Spero
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Perspectives on Suffering, ed. Carmy, 1999
'Pain: Halakhah and Hashkafah' , Moshe Tendler
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Perspectives on Suffering, ed. Carmy, 1999
Personal Initiative and Creativity in Avodat Hashem , Rabbi Michael Rosensweig
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda I, 1989
Spirituality and Holiness , Rabbi Saul J. Berman
Description: Speech delivered in Boston
Source: Edah
'Tell Them I've Had a Good Enough Life' , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Perspectives on Suffering, ed. Carmy, 1999
'The Contribution of Rabbinic Thought to a Theology of Misfortune' , Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Elman
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Perspectives on Suffering, ed. Carmy, 1999
'The Duties of the Heart and Response to Suffering' , Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Perspectives on Suffering, ed. Carmy, 1999
'The Experience of Repentance: The Views of Maimonides and William James' , Howard Levine
Description: not available
Source: Tradition 1:1
'The Long and Winding Road: By Way of Introduction' , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Perspectives on Suffering, ed. Carmy, 1999
Fixing God's Name , Professor B. Barry Levy
Description: The Name of God has received untold amounts of interest and awe since ancient times, but the oral and written forms in which it is expressed continue to evolve. Antiquity witnessed a global substitution of Adonai for the tetragrammaton of earlier biblical time, but many of our contemporaries have adopted a position that prefers to use this latter substitute only in liturgical contexts and to substitute Ha-Shem or other circumlocutions for it. These changes have led to the point where one can question whether Jews actually share a common designation for the one God they all worship.
Source: The Edah Journal Volume 1:2
Aspects of Halachic Philosophy of Prayer , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Source: not available
At the Millennium: Jewish Perceptions of Time , Dr. Jeffrey Woolf
Source: not available
Between Judaism and Superstition: What Does God Really Want? , Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
Source: not available
Biblical Insights into Tefillah , Rabbi Gidon Rothstein
Source: not available
Challenge of Spirituality in the Workplace , Rabbi Saul J. Berman
Source: not available
Connections in the Siddur: Our Prayers and the Many Influences That Shaped Them , Rabbi Barry Freundel
Source: not available
Contemporary Proofs for Life After Death and Reincarnation , Rabbi Abner Weiss
Source: not available
From Benares (India) to Jerusalem: The Spiritual Imperative in Judaism , Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller
Source: not available
Is Doubt a Positive Religious Value? , Rabbi Bob Carroll
Description: not available
Source: not available
Law, Lawlessness, and Lovingkindness: A Glimpse of the Image of God , Arna Poupko
Source: not available
Loneliness of God: Why the Jews Were Chosen , Rabbi Nathan Laufer
Source: not available
May We Still Pray to God the Father: On the Problems of Male Imagery in Classical Religious Texts , Dr. Tamar Ross
Source: not available
Modern Understanding of the Siddur , Dr. Reuven Kimelman
Source: not available
Nature of Emunah , Professor Menachem Kellner
Source: not available
New Understanding of the Biblical Holidays , Rabbi Nathan Laufer
Source: not available
Personal Renewal Through Kabbalah , Rabbi Abner Weiss
Source: not available
Prayer , Rabbi Zvi Grumet
Source: not available
Putting the Spirit Back into Prayer , Rabbi Dr. Jeremy Rosen
Source: not available
Recovering a Lost Love: Israel’s God , Rabbi Melvin Granatstein
Source: not available
Religion: Comfort or Challenge , Rabbi Benjamin Hecht
Description: not available
Source: not available
Role of Doubt in Religious Belief , Dr. Tamar Ross
Source: not available
Shabbat: Aspiring for Eden , Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky
Source: not available
Shema as a Reenactment of Sinai , Dr. Reuven Kimelman
Source: not available
The Glory of God and Dignity of Human Beings in Jewish Law and Mysticism , Dr. Don Seeman
Description: not available
Source: not available
The Self and Torah: The Statement of Centrist Orthodoxy , Rabbi Benjamin Hecht
Description: not available
Source: not available
Zemirot: Understanding the Shabbat Table Songs , Rabbi Eliezer Finkelman
Source: not available
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