89 files were found

"Centrism and Extremism" , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"East Europe Rabbinical Response to Modernity" , Shnayer Leiman
Description: not available
Source: www.torahtapes.com
"Jewish Rabbinic Responses to Modernity" , Shnayer Leiman
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
"Modernity and Judaism" , Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
"On Centrist Orthodoxy" , Rabbi Avraham Weiss
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
"Orthodoxy, Modern Orthodoxy, and Halakha," parts 1, 2 , Rabbi Marc D. Angel
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
"Rabbi Emden vs Mendelson- Tradition vs. Modernity" , Rabbi Dr JJ Schacter
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
"Semicha Dayanim" , Rabbi Dr Norman Lamm
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"The Emergence of Modern Orthodoxy in Germany" , Shnayer Leiman
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
"What's Wrong with Modern Orthodoxy" , Rabbi Shlomo Riskin
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
A Living Covenant: The Innovative Spirit in Traditional Judaism , Rabbi David Hartman
Description: National Jewish Book Award winner. This interpretation of Jewish teaching by one of today's leading thinkers in the Jewish world will appeal to all people seeking to understand the relationship between the idea of divine demand and the human response, between religious tradition and modernity. The Judaic tradition is often seen as being more concerned with uncritical obedience to law than with individual freedom and responsibility. In A Living Covenant, Hartman challenges this approach revealing a Judaism grounded in a covenant--a relational framework --informed by the metaphor of marital love rather than that of parent -child dependency. This view of life places the individual firmly within community. Hartman shows that the Judaic tradition need not be understood in terms of human passivity and resignation, but rather as a vehicle by which human individuality and freedom can be expressed within a relational matrix.
Source: Jewish Lights Pub, 1998
Betwen Tradition and Culture: The Dialectics of Modern Jewish Religion and Identity , David H. Ellenson
Description: First outstanding collection of essays on Modernity and Judaism including essay of Rabbi David Tzvi Hoffman.
Source: Scholars Press, 1994
Contemporary Orthodox Judaism's Response to Modernity , Rabbi Barry Freundel
Description: In a clear, concise manner Rabbi Freundel reviews Orthodox Jewish views on 31 basic issues from Abortion, Afterlife, Messianism, Miracles, Prophecy, Drugs, Evolution, Sex, Gentiles and more. He does more than register views, he guides the reader to a deeper understanding of the Jewish approach to basic philosophical and religious issues.....
Source: KTAV forthcoming
Encounter: Essays on Torah and Modern Life , Aryeh Carmell
Description: not available
Source: Jerusalem Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientist
Encounter: Essays on Torah and Modern Life , Chaim Schimmel
Description: not available
Source: Jerusalem Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientist
Modernity within Tradition: The Social History of Orthodox Jewry in Imperial Germany , Rabbi Mordechai Breuer
Description: not available
Source: Columbia University Press, 1992
Orthodoxy Confronts Modernity , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Ktav Publishing, 1991
Rabbi Esriel Hildesheimer and the Creation of a Modern Jewish Orthodoxy , David H. Ellenson
Description: not available
Source: University of Alabama Press 1994
The Limits of Orthodox Theology , Dr. Marc B. Shapiro
Description: This book takes issue with the widespread assumption that Maimonides' famous Thirteen Principles are the last word in Orthodox Jewish theology. The author shows that numerous traditional theologians in the last 900 years have in fact taken issue with Maimonides' principles, both in their details as well as with regard to certain fundamental points in Maimonides¹ formulation.
Source: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2003
Tradition in Transition: Orthodoxy, Halakhah, and the Boundaries of Modern Jewish Identity , David H. Ellenson
Description: not available
Source: University Press of America, 1989
Modern Orthodox Challenges: Resurrecting 'Aql vs. Naql? , Rabbi Asher Lopatin
Description: not available
Source: Sh'ma, February 2001
A Decade of Jewish Renewal , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Le-eylah, 33
A Halakhic Approach to the Secular , Sol Roth
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 26:3
An Inventory of Modern Orthodox Beliefs , Michael Harris
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela 43 (20--22) 1997
Confronting the Challenge of the Values of Modernity , Walter S. Wurzburger
Description: not available
Source: Torah u'Madda I (104-112), 1989
'Fundamentalism Reconsidered' , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Le'eylah, 28
Hadash Min Ha-Torah? Modernist versus Traditionalist Orientations in Contemporary Orthodoxy , Aviezer Ravitsky
Description: not available
Source: Engaging Modernity, ed. Sokol, 1997
'How Do Modern Jewish Thinkers Interpret Texts' , Moshe Sokol
Description: not available
Source: Modern Judaism 13:1, 1993
Jewish Orthodoxy as an Academic Sub-Discipline: Implications for Jewish Life Today , Seth Farber
Description: not available
Source: Le’ela, 49 (35-39) 2000
Legitimization of Modernity: Classical and Contemporary , Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein
Description: not available
Source: Engaging Modernity, ed. Sokol, 1997
Modern Orthodoxy - The Debate Continues , Michael Harris
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela, 45 (33-37) 1998
Modern Orthodoxy In Crisis , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela, 2:17 (20-25) 1984
'Open Orthodoxy! A Modern Orthodox Rabbi's Creed' , Rabbi Avraham Weiss
Description: not available
Source: Judaism 46:4, 1997
'Orthodoxy and Her Alleged Critics' , Rabbi Shlomo Riskin
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 15:4
Orthodoxy Faces Modernity , Professor Charles Liebman
Description: not available
Source: Orim, 2:2 (7-21) 1987
Orthodoxy, Modernity, and the Future , Norma Joseph
Description: http://www.Sh'ma.com/feb01/joseph.htm
Source: Sh'ma, February 2001
Progressive Orthodoxy: A Direction for the Future , Arye Forta
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela, 44 (33-38) 1997
Progressive Orthodoxy: A Direction for the Future , Arye Forta
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela, 44 (33-38) 1997
Resistors and Accomodators: Varieties of Orthodox Rabbis in America, 1886-1983 , J.S. Gurock
Description: not available
Source: in The American Rabbinate: A Century of Change
Samuel David Luzzatto and Neo-Orthodoxy , David Rudavsky
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 7:3 1965
Some Comments on Centrist Orthodoxy , Rabbi Dr Norman Lamm
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 22:3
The Future of American Orthodoxy , Jonathan D. Sarna
Description: not available
Source: Sh’ma, February 2001
The Ideology of Modern Orthodoxy , Rabbi Saul J. Berman
Description: http://www.Sh'ma.com/feb01/berman.htm
Source: Sh’ma, February 2001
'The Many Faces of Orthdoxy, II' , Dr. Samuel Heilman
Description: not available
Source: Modern Judaism 2:2, 1982
'The Many Faces of Orthodoxy, I' , Dr. Samuel Heilman
Description: not available
Source: Modern Judaism 2:1, 1982
'The New Orthodox Theology' , David Singer
Description: not available
Source: Modern Judaism 9:1, 1989
Torah Im Derekh Erets in Our Time , Leo Levi
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 28:1 (46-81) 1993
'Torah im Derekh Eretz: An Analysis' , Sol Roth
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 24:2
'Toward a Philosophy of Modern Orthodoxy' , Schubert Spero
Description: not available
Source: Modern Judaism 6:1, 1986
The Ideology of Modern Orthodoxy-- , Rabbi Saul J. Berman
Description: not available
Source: Sh’ma February 2001
Modern Orthodox Challenges: Resurrecting 'Aql vs. Naql?-- , Rabbi Asher Lopatin
Description: not available
Source: Sh'ma Feburary 2001
Educating for Modern Orthodoxy -- , Sally Mayer
Description: not available
Source: Sh’ma Feburary 2001
The Future of American Orthodoxy-- , Jonathan D. Sarna
Description: not available
Source: Sh’ma February 2001
A Call for Papers in Jewish Education (2003) , Naftali Harcsztark
Description: not available
Source: not available
A Poseq for the Modern Orthodox Community: A Review of “Equality Lost” by Yehudah Herzl Henkin , Rabbi Dov Linzer
Description: not available
Source: not available
Contemporary Orthodox Judaism's Response to Modernity-- , Rabbi Barry Freundel
Description: not available
Source: KTAV forthcoming
Halakhic Values: Pesaq or Persuasion , Reuven Matityahu  Singer
Description: not available
Source: not available
Introduction to the Tevet 5763 Edition , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: not available
Source: not available
Jewish Mysticism: Medieval Roots, Contemporary Dangers and Prospective Challenges , Lippman Bodoff
Description: not available
Source: not available
Jewish Orthodoxy as an academic sub-discipline: Implications for Jewish life today-- , Seth Farber
Description: not available
Source: Le’ela 49 (35-39) 2000
Modern Orthodoxy - The Debate Continues-- , Arye Newman
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela 45 (33-37) 1998
Modern Orthodoxy - The Debate Continues-- , Michael Harris
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela 45 (33-37) 1998
Modern Orthodoxy - The Debate Continues-- , Arye Forta
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela 45 (33-37) 1998
Modern Orthodoxy In Crisis-- , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela 2:17 (20-25) 1984
Orthodoxy faces modernity -- , Professor Charles Liebman
Description: not available
Source: Orim 2:2 (7-21) 1987
Progressive Orthodoxy: A Direction for the Future-- , Arye Forta
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela 44 (33-38) 1997
The Lieberman Phenomenon , Dr. Samuel Heilman
Description: An examination of Senator Joseph Lieberman's model of integrating religious commitment with public service in American society, and its implications for Modern Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox ideologies.
Source: The Edah Journal Volume 1:1
the sea of change in american orthodox judaism: a symposium-- , Emanuel Feldman
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 32:4 1998
The Society of the Future , Bambi Sheleg
Description: not available
Source: not available
The Way of Torah , Nahum Eliezer  Rabinovitch
Description: not available
Source: not available
Torah 'im Derekh Erets in Our Time-- , Leo Levi
Description: not available
Source: Tradition 28:1 (46-81) 1993
Who are today’s modern orthodox?-- , David Singer
Description: not available
Source: Sh’ma 13/257, September 16 1983
Challenge of Modern Orthodoxy: To Ourselves and to the Broader Community , Rabbi Charles H. Sheer
Source: not available
Challenges of Modern Society to Orthodox Life , Professor Daniel Sperber
Source: not available
Contemporary Orthodox Thought: Foundations, Challenges, and Directions , Professor B. Barry Levy
Source: not available
Does Modern Orthodoxy Have a Future? , Dr. William Helmreich
Source: not available
Intellectual Origins of Modern Orthodoxy , Dr. Jay Berkovitz
Source: not available
Love, Sexuality and Homosexuality , Rabbi Benjamin Hecht
Description: not available
Source: not available
Modern Orthodoxy and the Move to the Right , Rabbi Barry Freundel
Source: not available
Modern Orthodoxy: Challenges and Opportunities , Rabbi Asher Lopatin
Source: not available
Modern Orthodoxy: In Quest of Holiness , Rabbi Saul J. Berman
Description: not available
Source: not available
Orthodoxy Confronts Modernity , Rabbi Marc D. Angel
Source: not available
Religious Consequences of Modernity , Dr. Benny Kraut
Source: not available
Religious Reactions to Modernity , Rabbi Dr. Elie Holzer
Source: not available
Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Modern Orthodoxy in America , Dr. William Helmreich
Source: not available
Struggle for the Soul of Orthodoxy: A Comparison/Analysis of Haredi and Modern Orthodoxy , Rabbi Irving Greenberg
Source: not available
What is Modern Orthodoxy and Why Should I Care? , Rabbi Saul J. Berman
Source: not available
What Makes Modern Orthodoxy Unique , Rabbi Alan J. Yuter
Source: not available
Yavneh in America: An Orthodox Judaism That Might Have Been , Dr. Benny Kraut
Source: not available
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