78 files were found

SUBCATEGORY IS: Jewish Diversity/Relating to the Non-Orthodox
"Dissent in Judaism: The Case of Conservative Judaism" , Rabbi Shlomo Riskin
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
"How Does Liberal Orthodoxy Differ from Conservative Judaism" , Benjamin Blech
Description: not available
Source: www.613.org
"How should Orthodox Jews relate to other Jews?" , Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt
Description: not available
Source: www.613.org
"Kol Yisroel Areivim" , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"Orthodox Pluralism: 70 Faces of Torah" , Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein
Description: not available
Source: Hebrew Institute of White Plains Tape Library
"Orthodoxy Relating to the Non-Orthodox" , Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
Description: not available
Source: www.ou.org
"Theological Parameters within Orthodoxy" , Professor Menachem Kellner
Description: not available
Source: Sephardic Institute
"Unity and Conformity in the Orthodox Communtiy" , Rabbi Mark Dratch
Description: not available
Source: www.ou.org
"Who is a Jew- The Great Debate" , Rabbi Jacob I.  Schochet
Description: not available
Source: www.thinkjewish.com
A Heart of Many Rooms: Celebrating the Many Voices within Judaism , Rabbi David Hartman
Description: A Heart of Many Rooms is a passionate, eloquent collection of essays that praise the diversity of Jewish experiences....
Source: Jewish Lights Pub, 1999
Arguments for the Sake of Heaven: Emerging Trends in Traditional Judaism , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: Jonathan Sacks, the Chief Rabbi of Great Britain,explores contemporary issues that are creating rifts among the various sects of the Jewish world.
Source: Jason Aronson Publishers, 1995
Must a Jew Believe Anything? , Professor Menachem Kellner
Description: The crucial question for today's Jewish world, Menachem Kellner argues, is not whether Jews will have Jewish grandchildren, but how many different sorts of mutually exclusive Judaisms those grandchildren will face. Kellner's short, brisk, and accessible book examines how the split that threatens the Jewish future can be avoided. His lucid analysis of what religious faith means in classical Judaism leads logically to a new way of construing the relationship of Orthodoxy to non-Orthodox Jews and institutions.
Source: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 1999
One People? Tradition, Modernity and Jewish Unity , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: One People? is the first book-length study of the major problem confronting the Jewish future: the availability or otherwise of a way of mending the schisms between Reform and Orthodox Judaism, between religious and secular Jews in Israel, and between Israel itself and the diaspora-all of which have been deepened by the fierce and continuing controversy over the question of 'who is a Jew?'.....
Source: Oxford, England Littman Library of Jewish Civiliza
The Coming Cataclysm: The Orthodox-Reform Rift and the Future of the Jewish People , Rabbi Reuven Bulka
Description: not available
Source: Mosaic Press 1984
The Universal Jew; Letters to a Progressive Father from his Orthodox Son , Yosef ben Shlomo Hakohen
Description: not available
Source: Feldheim Publishers NY 1995
Tradition and the Nontraditional Jew , Rabbi Dr JJ Schacter
Description: From the Publisher: One of the central problems facing the contemporary American Jewish community is the progressive deterioration of the relationship between Jews who identify with the various denominations within Judaism. Orthodox Jews, in particular, face a difficult dilemma. On the one hand, they are committed to the notion that the halakhah (Jewish law) is normative and binding not only for themselves but for all Jews. They believe that it is God's will that every member of k'lal Yisrael (the community of Israel) observe Jewish law as presented in the Bible and the Talmud, as codified by the Shulhan Arukh, and as applied to contemporary times by authoritative religious decisors or posekim. No deviation from this fundamental commitment on either ideological or practical grounds can be tolerated, they claim, for it would undermine and deny the very essence of a divinely revealed Judaism. Yet, many contemporary Orthodox Jews find it difficult to accept the practical implications of this position. The classic manner of dealing with an apikorus - the nonbeliever or skeptic ("one is required to actively destroy them and to bring them down to the nethermost pit") - and the obligation to hate the wicked feel harsh to many who are unprepared to adopt such a policy toward neighbors, co-workers, and, often, close relatives. But the issue goes beyond mere sentiment. Strong arguments are also made on purely halakhic grounds against the stricter, more extreme position. Indeed, while some continue to argue that halakhah today mandates hating other Jews, others find such a conclusion to be indefensible and untenable. This volume seeks to address this issue from the perspectives of Jewish history, Jewish law, and Jewish thought (hashkafah). The contributors to this volume were participants in the Orthodox Forum, an annual gathering of scholars who meet to consider major issues of concern to the Jewish community.
Source: Jason Aronson, 1992
A Torah Perspective on the Status of Secular Jews Today , Rabbi Yehuda Amital
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 23:4
Ahavat Yisrael: A Selected Bibliography , Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot
Description: not available
Source: Tradition and the Nontraditional Jew ed.JJSchacter
All Jews Are Responsible for One Another , Nahum Eliezer  Rabinovitch
Description: not available
Source: Tradition and the Nontraditional Jew ed.JJSchacter
'Between Love and Rebuke' , Rabbi Shear Yashuv Cohen
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 28:2
Building Community in White Plains , Rabbi Chaim Marder
Description: not available
Source: not available
Co-Existing with Orthodox Jews , Eugene Borowitz
Description: not available
Source: Journal of Reform Judaism 34, 1987
Cooperation with Non-Orthodox Jews , Walter S. Wurzburger
Description: not available
Source: Tradition 22:2 (33-40), 1986
'Halakhah as a Ground for Creating Shared Spiritual Language' , Rabbi David Hartman
Description: not available
Source: Tradition, 16:1
Jewish Religious Pluralism , Daniel Cohn-Sherbok
Description: not available
Source: Cross Currents 46, 1996
Loving and Hating Jews as Halakhic Categories , Rabbi Dr Norman Lamm
Description: not available
Source: Tradition and the Nontraditional Jew ed.JJSchacter
'One People: Thinking About Unity' , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Le'eylah, 29
Rabbinic Attitudes Toward Nonobservance in the Medieval Period , Rabbi Ephraim Kanarfogel
Description: not available
Source: Tradition and the Nontraditional Jew ed JJSchacter
Rabbinic Responses to Nonobservance in the Modern Era , Judith Bleich
Description: not available
Source: Tradition and the Nontraditional Jew ed.JJSchacter
Rebuking a Fellow Jew: Theory and Practice , Rabbi Yehuda Amital
Description: not available
Source: Tradition and the Nontraditional Jew ed.JJSchacter
Seeking the Religious Roots of Pluralism , Rabbi Irving Greenberg
Description: not available
Source: Journal for Ecumenical Studies 24:3, 1997
Tolerance in Jewish Tradition , Aviezer Ravitsky
Description: not available
Source: Hazon Nahum, Ktav Publishing, 1998
Toward a Principled Pluralism , Rabbi Irving Greenberg
Description: not available
Source: Towards the Twenty-first Century, Ronald Kronish
Will There Be One People in the Year 2000? , Rabbi Irving Greenberg
Description: not available
Source: Perspectives, 1985
books - The Universal Jew-- , Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Action 60 (2) winter 5760
Unity and Conformity in the Orthodox Community-- , Rabbi Mark Dratch
Description: not available
Source: Tzemach Dovid
Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover-- , Yosef Reinman
Description: not available
Source: The Jewish Week January 24 2003
A Theology of Jewish Unity-- , Michael Wyschogrod
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela 21
'As Swords Thrust Through The Body': The Neziv’s Rejection of Separatism , Rabbi Howard S. Joseph
Description: An analysis of the views of Rabbi Naphtali Zvi Yehudah Berlin, known as the Neziv, one of the leading Orthodox rabbis of the 19th century. For communal and theological reasons, he opposed Orthodox separation from non-Orthodox Jews, advocating Jewish communal harmony and joint Torah study in the face of post-Enlightenment deviations and denominational movements.
Source: The Edah Journal Volume 1:1
Confronting Disbelievers-- , Joseph Grunblatt
Description: not available
Source: Tradition 23:1 (33-39) 1987
Congregational Dignity and Human Dignity: Women and Public Torah Reading , Professor Daniel Sperber
Description: N/a
Source: not available
Cooperation with Non-Orthodox Jews-- , Walter S Waltzburger
Description: not available
Source: Tradition 22: 2 (33-40) 1986
Editor's Introduction to the Elul 5763 Edition , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: N/a
Source: not available
Editor's Welcome and Introduction to the Marheshvan Edition , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: An overview of possible responses to modern empirical pluralism and various Orthodox strategies for validation of, and limitations on, interaction with gentiles and non-traditional Jews.
Source: The Edah Journal Volume 1:1
Editor's Welcome and Introduction to the Sivan Edition , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: not available
Source: The Edah Journal Volume 1:2
Ideology and Tolerance-- , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela2:11(19-28) 1981
Introduction to the Tevet 5762 Edition-- , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: N/a
Source: not available
Is Reform Judaism a Movement, a Sect or a Heresy?-- , Rabbi Alan J. Yuter
Description: not available
Source: Tradition 24:3 (87-98) 1989
Mysticism, Hasidism And Escapism: Continued Discussion of "Jewish Mysticism: Medieval Roots Contemporary Dangers and Prospective Challenges" , Yehuda  Gellman
Description: N/a
Source: not available
Of Books and Bans , Dr. Marc B. Shapiro
Description: N/a
Source: not available
On the Definition of a "Good Jew"-- , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela, 1:3 (18-28) 1977
Orthodoxy and Reform - is there a halakhic perspective?-- , Shaul Robinson
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela no. 43 1997 16-19
Parameters and Limits of Communal Unity from the Perspective of Jewish Law-- , Rabbi J David Bleich
Description: not available
Source: JHCS 6 (5-20) 1983
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch To Liepman Phillip Prins of Amsterdam: An 1873 Responsum on Education , David H. Ellenson
Description: N/a
Source: not available
Reproach, recognition and respect; Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik and Orthodoxy's mid-century attitude toward non-Orthodox denominations -- , Seth Farber
Description: not available
Source: American Jewish History 89:2, 2001
The Arts in the Jewish Day School: A Case Study , Ed Codish
Description: N/a
Source: not available
The Attitude to Halacha of the Progressive Movements: Can They be Considered a Kehilla Kedosha?-- , I. Lerner
Description: not available
Source: Le'ela, Vol 1 No. 10 1980 (7-12)
Values, Halakhah and Pesaq: Continued Discussion Of "Halakhic Values: Pesaq or Persuasion" , Gil  Student
Description: N/a
Source: not available
Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? An Orthodox Rabbi’s Perspective on Pluralism , Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
Description: A transcript of a lecture delivered at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America by a prominent Orthodox rabbi, who maintains that divisions within the Jewish community be addressed through creative approaches. Dialogue should be established between the denominations based upon (1) recognition and respect of each other's boundaries, (2) identification of and management of differences, (3) willingness to engage in self-analysis and critique, and (4) making decisions and taking actions within each denomination with an eye toward benefiting Judaism and the Jewish people.
Source: The Edah Journal Volume 1:1
Can We Be One? The Compelling Case for Jewish Unity , Rabbi Dr Haskel Lookstein
Description: not available
Source: not available
Can We Value Without Validating? Redefining Our Approach to the Non-Orthodox , Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
Source: not available
Creative Solutions for Conversion and Jewish Unity , Dr. Jeffrey Woolf
Source: not available
Disunity of Judaism and of the Jewish People , Rabbi Saul J. Berman
Source: not available
Finding Common Ground as Jews: Exploring Jewish Diversity , Arna Poupko
Source: not available
Halachic Attitudes Toward Non-Orthodox: Ideology and Theology as a Definer of Jewish Identity , Rabbi Dov Linzer
Source: not available
Is Jewish Unity an Elusive Goal: What Our Sources Say about This Idea , Dr. Alvin I. Schiff
Source: not available
Jewish Diversity: A Historical Perspective , Rabbi Martin I. Lockshin
Source: not available
Jewish Identity and Jewish Unity , Rabbi Benjamin Hecht
Description: not available
Source: not available
Jewish Unity and Diversity: The Real Issues, the Real Challenge , Dr. Mervin Verbit
Source: not available
Modern Orthodoxy’s Approach to Klal Yisrael: The Torah of Principled Inclusion , Rabbi Alan J. Yuter
Source: not available
Nature of the Jewish People , Professor Menachem Kellner
Source: not available
Orthodoxy and the Non-Orthodox Community , Rabbi Marc D. Angel
Source: not available
Orthodoxy and Ultra-Orthodoxy: Do We Understand Each Other? , Dr. Steven Bayme
Source: not available
Pluralism: Orthodox and Liberal Jews , Rabbi Eliezer Finkelman
Source: not available
Reaching Out to Non-Orthodox: How to Value without Validating , Arna Poupko
Source: not available
Relating to Beloved Non-Orthodox Family Members , Rabbi Charles H. Sheer
Source: not available
Religious Pluralism and Religious Polarization: How Do We Heal the Rift? , Dr. Steven Bayme
Source: not available
What Does Reform Judaism Believe? , Dr. Benny Kraut
Source: not available

40 files were found

SUBCATEGORY IS: Jewish Peoplehood and Sociology
"Concept of Kahal" , Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Description: not available
Source: mnordl@aol.com
"Confronting a Jewish Cataclysm: Dooming Statistics and the Beginnings of a Solution" , Rabbi Maurice Lamm
Description: not available
Source: www.torahtapes.com
A House Divided: Orthodoxy and Schism in Nineteenth Century Central European Jewry , Ziporah Brody
Description: not available
Source: University Press of New England 2002
A House Divided: Orthodoxy and Schism in Nineteenth Century Central European Jewry , Jacob Katz
Description: not available
Source: University Press of New England 2002
Americanization of the Jews , Norman Cohen
Description: How did Judaism, a religion so often defined by its minority status, attain equal footing in the trinity of Catholicism, Protestantism, and Judaism that now dominates modern American religious life? THE AMERICANIZATION OF THE JEWS seeks out the effects of this evolution on both Jews in America and an America with Jews.
Source: New York University Press, 1995
And I Will Dwell in Their Midst: Orthodox Jews in Suburbia , Etan Diamond
Description: not available
Source: University of North Carolina Press 2000
Cosmopolitans and Parochials: Modern Orthodox Jews in America , Dr. Samuel Heilman
Description: Far from simply vanishing in the face of modernity, Orthodox Jews in the United States today are surviving and flourishing. Samuel Heilman and Steven Cohen, both distinguished scholars of Jewish studies, have joined forces in this pathbreaking book to articulate this vibrancy and to characterize the many faces of Orthodox Jerry in contemporary America.
Source: University of Chicago Press, 1990
Jew vs. Jew: The Struggle for the Soul of American Jewry , Samuel G. Freedman
Description: At a time when American Jews should feel more secure and cohesive than ever, civil war is tearing apart their community. Congregations, neighborhoods, even families are taking sides in battles about Jewish identity and Jewish authenticity. The conflict pits fundamentalist against secularist, denomination against denomination, even liberal against conservative within each branch of Jewry. Jew vs. Jew tells the story of how American Jewry has increasingly -- and perhaps terminally -- broken apart in the last forty years.
Source: Simon & Schuster, 2000
Judaism and Civil Religion , Daniel S Breslauer
Description: not available
Source: Scholars Press, 1993
Returning to the Tradition: The Contemporary Revival of Orthodox Judaism , Murray Herbert Danzger
Description: This book focuses "on the 'ba'al teshuvah' (return to traditional Judaism) movement in Israel and America. . . . {Danzger} assesses the motivation, background, experiences, and religious expectations of returnees to Judaism. .. . Beginning with a discussion on origins of return (home, synagogue, yeshiva), he {attempts to} trace the conflict between returnees' worldly values and religious authority and the efforts, on the one hand, to make these concerns part of the traditionalist world (such as saving a gentile on the Sabbath) and,on the other, to apply strict Orthodox mores (such as non equality in public prayer) to returnees' own circumstances. Also he {seeks to} portray parallelsand differences between Jewish and Christian revivalism." (Choice) Glossary. Bibliography. Index.
Source: Yale University Press, 1990
The Men and Women of Yeshiva: Higher Education, Orthodoxy, and American Judaism , J.S. Gurock
Description: This is an account "of Yeshiva's first 100 years by . . . a professor of history at the school. . . . {He} traces Yeshiva's history from a small Jewish school on the Lower East Side to a major university." (N Y Times Book Rev) Index.
Source: Columbia University Press, 1988
Individualism and Collectivism , Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks
Description: not available
Source: Torah u-Madda II, 1990
The Future of American Orthodoxy-- , Jonathan D. Sarna
Description: not available
Source: Sh’ma, February 2001
Probing the Carlebach Phenomenon-- , Avraham Arieh Trugman
Description: not available
Source: Jewish Action, winter 63:2 2002
Jew vs. Jew: Cracks in the American Mosaic-- , Eytan Kobre
Description: not available
Source: The Jewish Observer 33 november 2000
Jewish Orthodoxy as an academic sub-discipline: Implications for Jewish life today-- , Seth Farber
Description: not available
Source: Le’ela 49 June 2000
Judaism or Judaisms: Jewry or Jewries? -- , Rabbi Saul J. Berman
Description: not available
Source: American Judaism, Present and Future (11-20) ;Fall
Repentant Man - A High Level in Rabbi Soloveitchik's Typology of Man-- , Pinchas Peli
Description: not available
Source: not available
Repentant Man - A High Level in Rabbi Soloveitchik's Typology of Man , Pinchas Peli
Description: not available
Source: not available
Twentieth-century American Orthodoxy's era of non-observance, 1900-1960-- , J.S. Gurock
Description: not available
Source: Torah U-Madda Journal 9 (2000) 87-107
Who are today’s modern orthodox?-- , David Singer
Description: not available
Source: Sh’ma, 13/257 September 16 1983
American Jewish Community: Past, Present, and Future , Dr. Steven T. Katz
Source: not available
American Jewry Since World War II: Where Is It Going? , Dr. Steven Bayme
Source: not available
Aspects of Social Life in Rabbinic Literature: Community , Professor Isaiah M. Gafni
Source: not available
Bringing about Jewish Unity in America and Israel , Dr. William Helmreich
Source: not available
Building Community: Synagogue as Community , Rabbi Asher Lopatin
Source: not available
Building Sacred Communities: The Centrality of the Synagogue in Creating a Jewish Renaissance , Barry Shrage
Source: not available
Coming Jewish Renaissance: The Orthodox Opportunity in the 21st Century , Barry Shrage
Source: not available
Community Building: What Should a Jewish Community Become? How Can We Do That? , Barry Shrage
Source: not available
Comparing Modern Orthodoxy in Israel and the United States , Professor Charles Liebman
Source: not available
How To Be a Jewish Leader , Rabbi Nathan Laufer
Source: not available
Jewish Continuity Debate: What Can the Community Do? What Should It Do? , Dr. Steven Bayme
Source: not available
Jewish Renaissance: Rebuilding Jewish Life in the 21st Century , Barry Shrage
Source: not available
Our Brother’s Keepers: The Meaning of Jewish Peoplehood , Rabbi Nathan Laufer
Source: not available
Prospects for Jewish Survival in the United States , Professor Charles Liebman
Source: not available
Rise and Fall (and Renaissance) of Modern Orthodoxy , Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller
Source: not available
Surprising Resurgence of American Orthodox Judaism , Dr. Benny Kraut
Source: not available
War between the Jews: Are We Becoming Two Peoples? , Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller
Source: not available
What Jewish Tradition Has To Say about the Concept of Jewish Community , Dr. Alvin I. Schiff
Source: not available
Will There Be One Jewish People after the Year 2000: The Conflict over Jewish Unity , Rabbi Irving Greenberg
Source: not available
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