13 files were found by Ross, Tamar

Welcome; Gender and Traditional Texts , Dr. Tamar Ross
Description: Welcome: Blu Greenberg Gender and Traditional texts: Dr. Tamar Ross, Dr. Susan Shapiro, Rabbi Haskel Lookstein
Source: 914-794-2222
'Between Metaphysical and Liberal Pluralism; A Reappraisal of Rabbi AI Kook's Espousal of Toleration' , Dr. Tamar Ross
Description: not available
Source: AJS Review 21:1, 1996
Can the Demand for Change in the Status of Women be Halakhically Legimated? , Dr. Tamar Ross
Description: not available
Source: Judaism 42, 1993
'Immorality, Natural Law, and the Role of Human Perception in the Writings of Rav Kook' , Dr. Tamar Ross
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality
'The Cognitive Value of Religious Truth Statements; Rav AI Kook an Postmodernism' , Dr. Tamar Ross
Description: not available
Source: Hazon Nahum, YU Press 1997
'The Elite and the Masses in the Prism of Metaphysics and History; HaRav Kook on the Nature of Religious Belief' , Dr. Tamar Ross
Description: not available
Source: Journal of Jewish Thought & Philosophy 8:2, 1999
'What Would Rav Kook Have to Say About the State of Israel Today' , Dr. Tamar Ross
Description: not available
Source: Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and Jewish Spirituality
Reflections on the Possibilities of Interfaith Communication in our Day , Dr. Tamar Ross
Description: An examination of approaches to interfaith discussion with its long judgmental history of bitterness and strife that preclude tolerance and legitimate difference. While some believe that constructive interfaith dialogue is possible simply when the representatives of various faiths agree to listen to each other empathetically to understand the Other in his own terms, the author contends that this is insufficient when dealing with religions bearing claims to absolute truths. The solution lies in a more subtle understanding of the theological import of such claims.
Source: The Edah Journal Volume 1:1
Halachah and Spirituality: Rav Kook and Maimonides on the Relative Value of Sage vs. Prophet , Dr. Tamar Ross
Source: not available
May We Still Pray to God the Father: On the Problems of Male Imagery in Classical Religious Texts , Dr. Tamar Ross
Source: not available
Role of Doubt in Religious Belief , Dr. Tamar Ross
Source: not available
Theological Implications of Feminism on Orthodox Jewish Theology , Dr. Tamar Ross
Source: not available
Tolerance and Pluralism in the Thought of Rav Kook , Dr. Tamar Ross
Source: not available
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