22 files were found by Korn, Eugene

Gentiles, the World to Come, and Judaism: The Odyssey of a Rabbinic Text , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: not available
Source: Modern Judaism, 14 : 3 (265-287) 1994
Tradition Meets Modernity: On the Conflict of Liberty and the Halakha , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: not available
Source: Tradition 25:4,1991
'Tzelem Elokim and the Dialectic of Jewish Morality' , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: not available
Source: Tradition 31:2, 1997
Editor’s Introduction to the Kislev 5765 Edition , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: not available
Source: not available
Editor's Introduction , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: not available
Source: not available
Editor's Introduction to Iyar 5764 Edition , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: not available
Source: not available
Editor's Introduction to the Elul 5763 Edition , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: N/a
Source: not available
Editor's Welcome and Introduction to the Marheshvan Edition , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: An overview of possible responses to modern empirical pluralism and various Orthodox strategies for validation of, and limitations on, interaction with gentiles and non-traditional Jews.
Source: The Edah Journal Volume 1:1
Editor's Welcome and Introduction to the Sivan Edition , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: not available
Source: The Edah Journal Volume 1:2
Introducing Meorot , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: not available
Source: not available
Introduction to the Sivan 5766 Edition , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: not available
Source: not available
Introduction to the Tevet 5762 Edition-- , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: N/a
Source: not available
Introduction to the Tevet 5763 Edition , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: not available
Source: not available
Legal Floors and Moral Ceilings: A Jewish Understanding Of Law and Ethics , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: This paper analyzes the relationship of formal halakhah to Jewish ethical values, arguing for the necessity of extra-legal hesed, identified as autonomous action above and beyond the requirement of law (‘lifnim mishurat ha-din’). On halakhic, theological and philosophic grounds, the essay attempts to refute the theory of hard halakhic positivism, which maintains that formal halakhah constitutes the sole legitimate constraint upon human conduct and denies room in Judaism for moral demands advanced by conscience.
Source: The Edah Journal 2:2
Moralization in Jewish Law: Genocide, Divine Commands and Rabbinic Reasoning , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: not available
Source: not available
Nitzhuni Banai, A Review Essay of “Love and Terror in the God Encounter, The Theological Legacy of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik” By David Hartman , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: N/a
Source: The Edah Journal 2:1
On Divine Command Morality , Dr. Eugene Korn
Description: not available
Source: not available
Beyond the Requirement of ‘Din’: Legal Norms and Ethical Ideals in Torah Tradition , Dr. Eugene Korn
Source: not available
Options in Tolerance, Liberty, and Democracy in Halachic Tradition , Dr. Eugene Korn
Source: not available
Philosophic Legacy of Rav Joseph Soloveitchik , Dr. Eugene Korn
Source: not available
Tzelem Elokim, Religious Extremism, and Torah Ethics , Dr. Eugene Korn
Source: not available
Women in Public Leadership: Differing Halachic Responses , Dr. Eugene Korn
Source: not available
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