5 files were found by Ravitsky, Aviezer

Messianism, Zionism, and Jewish Religious Radicalism , Aviezer Ravitsky
Description: Eschatology and messianism, mysticism and philosophy, halakhic literature and homilectical treatises, Zionism and Jewish history, Israel and the Diaspora, Orthodoxy and modernity -- all these topics surface in Profesor Ravitzky's book. He has succeeded in producing an erudite, original, important and thoughtful volume. —Isadore Twersky
Source: University of Chicago Press, 1996
Hadash Min Ha-Torah? Modernist versus Traditionalist Orientations in Contemporary Orthodoxy , Aviezer Ravitsky
Description: not available
Source: Engaging Modernity, ed. Sokol, 1997
'Rabbi JB Soloveitchik on Human Knowledge' , Aviezer Ravitsky
Description: not available
Source: Modern Judaism, 6:2, 1986
Tolerance in Jewish Tradition , Aviezer Ravitsky
Description: not available
Source: Hazon Nahum, Ktav Publishing, 1998
"Prohibited Wars" In Jewish Religious Law , Aviezer Ravitsky
Description: not available
Source: not available
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