3 files were found by Gurock, J.S.

The Men and Women of Yeshiva: Higher Education, Orthodoxy, and American Judaism , J.S. Gurock
Description: This is an account "of Yeshiva's first 100 years by . . . a professor of history at the school. . . . {He} traces Yeshiva's history from a small Jewish school on the Lower East Side to a major university." (N Y Times Book Rev) Index.
Source: Columbia University Press, 1988
Resistors and Accomodators: Varieties of Orthodox Rabbis in America, 1886-1983 , J.S. Gurock
Description: not available
Source: in The American Rabbinate: A Century of Change
Twentieth-century American Orthodoxy's era of non-observance, 1900-1960-- , J.S. Gurock
Description: not available
Source: Torah U-Madda Journal 9 (2000) 87-107
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