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Erica Brown Boston, Massachusetts
Scholar-in-Residence, Combined Jewish Philanthropies, Boston

Erica Brown is the Scholar-in-Resident of the Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Boston. She received her BA from Yeshiva University in Philosophy and Jewish Studies, an MA in Religious Education from the Institute of Education, University of London, an MA in Jewish Studies from Jews’ College, University of London and an AM from the Department of Near Eastern Language and Civilization from Harvard University. She is currently working on her PhD. Erica has taught in several post-high school programs in Israel, Bar Ilan University, Jews’ College and Hebrew College and has published several articles on education and women’s role in Judaism and the Bible.
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Heres a list of speeches from this speaker.

  • Biblical Themes
  • Exodus Concept of Family and Nation
  • Infertility in the Bible
  • Leadership Models in the Bible
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