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Rabbi Shalom J. Carmy New York, New York
Professor of Bible and Philosophy, Yeshiva University

Consulting Editor, Tradition Rabbi Shalom Carmy is Professor of Bible and Philosophy at Yeshiva University, Consulting Editor of Tradition, and a veteran teacher of Jewish Studies. Author of numerous essays on Bible, Jewish Philosophy and the interface of liberal arts and Torah, his recent writings and books edited include: Modern Scholarship in the Study of Torah: Contributions and Limitations and Perspectives on the Experience of Suffering, volumes of the Orthodox Forum series. He is currently editing for publication Rav Soloveitchik’s manuscripts on prayer.
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Heres a list of speeches from this speaker.

  • Aspects of Liberal Arts Education and Torah
  • Aspects of Thought of Rav Kook
  • Aspects of Thought of Rav Soloveitchik
  • Aspects of Relation of Ethical Philosophy and Religion
  • Aspects of Halachic Philosophy of Prayer
  • Method and Matter in Study of Bible
  • Method and Matter in Study of Talmud
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