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Arna Poupko Montreal, Canada
Judaic Consultant, Montreal Federation

Arna Poupko is the full-time Judaic Consultant for the Montreal Jewish Federation, where she works to enhance the level of Jewish knowledge within the Federation and its 20 constituent agencies. Her pioneering work in this area was recently recognized by the Avi Chai Foundation which awarded this initiative first prize for “Excellent Community Initiatives to Strengthen Jewish Commitment.” Ms. Poupko has visited over 60 communities throughout North America, lecturing on Judaism, modernity and Jewish peoplehood. She has degrees in both Jewish Education and Medieval Jewish Philosophy from Yeshiva University and is currently working on a PhD at McGill University. She is a member of Edah’s Advisory Council.
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Heres a list of speeches from this speaker.

  • Finding Common Ground as Jews: Exploring Jewish Diversity
  • Reaching Out to Non-Orthodox: How to Value without Validating
  • Relationship Between Halachah and Individual Responsibility
  • Law, Lawlessness, and Lovingkindness: A Glimpse of the Image of God
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