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Barry Shrage Boston, Massachusetts
President, Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston

Barry Shrage has been President of the Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston since 1987. He formerly served as Associate Director of the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland and on the staff of the Jewish Welfare Board and YM-YWHA of Mid-Westchester, New York. He has written a wide range of papers on Jewish continuity, Jewish identity, Jewish education and the potential for Jewish renaissance in America. He is a member of Edah’s Advisory Council.
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Heres a list of speeches from this speaker.

  • Universal Adult Jewish Literacy
  • Coming Jewish Renaissance: The Orthodox Opportunity in the 21st Century
  • Building Sacred Communities: The Centrality of the Synagogue in Creating a Jewish Renaissance
  • Community Building: What Should a Jewish Community Become? How Can We Do That?
  • Jewish Renaissance: Rebuilding Jewish Life in the 21st Century
  • Building Communities of Torah, Tzedek, and Chesed
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