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Sharon Shenhav Jerusalem, Israel
Director, International Jewish Women’s Human Rights Watch

Sharon Shenhav is Director of the International Jewish Women’s Human Rights Watch and a recognized international women’s rights lawyer. She received her BA at the University of Chicago and her JD at Georgetown University. After ten years in a private public interest firm specializing in Human Rights in Washington, she and her family made aliyah. As an expert on marriage and divorce in Jewish law, she has represented hundreds of women in the Rabbinical Courts of Israel. She has been a member of the Israeli government delegation to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women for the past five years.
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Heres a list of speeches from this speaker.

  • Jewish Law, Human Rights, and Jewish Women
  • Religion and State in Israel Today
  • Agunot in America and Israel: A Comparative Analysis
  • Marriage and Divorce in Jewish Law Today
  • Problem of Agunot: Halachic Solutions
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