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Professor Daniel Sperber Jerusalem, Israel
Professor of Talmud, Bar Ilan University; Chairman of Committee on National Religious Education, Ministry of Education

Daniel Sperber is Professor of Talmud at Bar Ilan University and Chairman of the Israel Ministry of Education Committee on National Religious Education. The recipient of the prestigious Israel prize in 1997, he is the former head of the Talmud Department and Dean of Jewish Studies at Bar Ilan University, where he also founded the Jewish Art History major. Professor Sperber holds a BA in the History of Art and a PhD in Ancient History and Jewish Studies from London University, and studied at Yeshivat Kol Torah and the Hebron Yeshiva in Jerusalem. He is a prolific scholar, having authored over 20 books and 300 academic articles.
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  • Challenges of Modern Society to Orthodox Life
  • Jewish Education
  • Jewish Art
  • History of Halachah
  • History of Jewish Customs
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