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Rabbi Bob Carroll , New Jersey
Rabbi Bob Carroll, Edah’s Program Director, has an interesting and varied background, which makes him well suited for the challenges he faces at Edah. Rabbi Carroll is a graduate of Brandeis University, and received his Smicha from Yeshiva University as well as a Master’s in Jewish Philosophy from YU’s Revel Graduate School. He has also completed Doctoral coursework in Kabbalah at NYU, and studied at Yeshivat haMivtar and Yeshivat David Shapell in Jerusalem. Rabbi Carroll worked for four years as a Hillel director at several New York area campuses. Prior to joining the staff at Edah, Rabbi Carroll worked as a corporate strategist and project manager, while serving as a respected mentor and teacher of Kabbalah and Rabbinic texts at a number of community-based Adult Learning programs.
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Heres a list of speeches from this speaker.

  • Tolerance and Pluralism in the Mystical Teachings of Rav Kuk
  • Jews and Gentiles: An Authentic Kabbalistic View
  • Is Doubt a Positive Religious Value?
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