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Rabbi Saul J. Berman New York, New York
Director, Edah; Associate Professor of Jewish Studies, Yeshiva University

Rabbi Saul J. Berman, Director of Edah, is a leading Orthodox teacher and thinker who has made extensive contributions to the areas of women’s Jewish education, social ethics, and the applicability of halachah to contemporary society. Rabbi Berman was ordained at RIETS, an affiliate of Yeshiva University and completed a JD at New York University School of Law and an MA in Political Science at the University of California at Berkeley. He is currently Associate Professor of Jewish Studies at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women, where he served as the Chairman of the Department of Judaic Studies from 1971 – 1984. He is also Adjunct Professor at Columbia University School of Law where he teaches seminars in Jewish Law.
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Heres a list of speeches from this speaker.

  • What is Modern Orthodoxy and Why Should I Care?
  • Disunity of Judaism and of the Jewish People
  • Women in Jewish Law: Past and Future
  • Abortion: Paradigm of Jewish Medical Ethics
  • Relationship between Ritual and Ethics
  • Challenge of Spirituality in the Workplace
  • Modern Orthodoxy: In Quest of Holiness
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