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Rabbi Barry Freundel Washington, D.C
Rabbi, Kesher Israel Congregation

Rabbi Barry Freundel is Rabbi of Kesher Israel Congregation– The Georgetown Synagogue in Washington, D.C. and Adjunct Professor at American University and Georgetown University. A graduate of Yeshiva University, he received an MS degree in Talmud from the Bernard Revel Graduate School, and was ordained at RIETS, an affiliate of Yeshiva University. He is Vice President of the Rabbinical Council of America and chairs its Ethics Committee. He presents seminars on halachah and political ethics on Capitol Hill, as well as seminars on Jewish medical ethics for the National Institutes of Health. He is a member of Edah’s Advisory Council.
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Heres a list of speeches from this speaker.

  • Modern Orthodoxy and the Move to the Right
  • Separation of Church and State: Halachic Paradigms
  • Origin of Machloket and the Search for Truth in the Halachic Process
  • Ethics and Halachah: Tension and Mutual Influence
  • Connections in the Siddur: Our Prayers and the Many Influences That Shaped Them
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