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Dr. Eugene Korn Bergenfield, New Jersey
Professor of Jewish Thought, Seton Hall University; Director, Interfaith Affairs, Anti-Defamation League.

Dr. Eugene Korn is Adjunct Professor of Jewish Thought at Seton Hall University and is Director of Interfaith Affairs at the national office of the ADL. He received a PhD in Philosophy from Columbia University and has published numerous articles on Jewish philosophy and thought. He is editor THE EDAH JOURNAL and a member of Edah’s Advisory Council.
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Heres a list of speeches from this speaker.

  • Women in Public Leadership: Differing Halachic Responses
  • Philosophic Legacy of Rav Joseph Soloveitchik
  • Options in Tolerance, Liberty, and Democracy in Halachic Tradition
  • Beyond the Requirement of ‘Din’: Legal Norms and Ethical Ideals in Torah Tradition
  • Tzelem Elokim, Religious Extremism, and Torah Ethics
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