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Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller Los Angeles, California
Director, Yitzhak Rabin Hillel Center for Jewish Life at UCLA

Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller is Director of the UCLA Hillel and Lecturer in Sociology and Near Eastern Languages at UCLA. He has an MA in Rabbinics from Bernard Revel Graduate School of Yeshiva University and ordination from its RIETS affiliate. He is a founder of Shalhevet High School in Los Angeles and was Rabbinic Consultant to Barbra Streisand in the making of “Yentl”. He is Teacher-in-Residence at the Westwood Village Synagogue, serves on the faculty of the Wexner Heritage Foundation, and is a fellow of the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem.
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Heres a list of speeches from this speaker.

  • Are We Victims of Our Own Success? A View from the College Campus A Study of Realities
  • Rise and Fall (and Renaissance) of Modern Orthodoxy
  • War between the Jews: Are We Becoming Two Peoples?
  • Religious Integrity vs. Holy Apologetics: A Fresh Look at "Shelo Asani Isha"
  • Peace Process as a Religious Imperative Seventy-five Years Later
  • Reishit Tzmichat Geulateinu: On the Religious Significance of the State of Israel Seventy-five Years Later
  • From Survivalism to Renaissance: Constructing a Positive Jewish Memory in the Wake of the Holocaust
  • From Benares (India) to Jerusalem: The Spiritual Imperative in Judaism
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