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Judy Adler Sheer New York, New York
Executive Director, Edah

Judy Adler Sheer is Executive Director of Edah. She has held a variety of positions at the former Council of Jewish Federations and national United Jewish Appeal, including the directorships of the University Programs Department, the Business and Professional Women’s Council, and the Staff Development Department at UJA. The creator of the popular UJA Book of Songs and Blessings, Ms. Sheer has developed and taught innumerable text-study sessions, and has led over 30 missions to Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, as well as to Israel. A former Trustee of Lincoln Square Synagogue, Ms. Sheer has a graduate degree in Education from the University of California at Berkeley.
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Heres a list of speeches from this speaker.

  • Ani Hashem: God's Source of Authority
  • Friday Night Kiddush Text as a Key to Understanding the Covenant
  • What Does God Want of Us as Jews? An Applied Reading of Chumash
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