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Devorah Zlochower New York, New York
Director of Full-time Programs, Talmud Instructor, Drisha Institute

Devorah Zlochower teaches Talmud in the full-time Beit Midrash program at Drisha Institute, where she is also Director of Full-time Programs. She is a graduate of the Drisha Scholars Circle, a three-year program leading to certification in Talmud and Jewish Law. She has an MA in Political Science from Columbia University and has completed work toward a doctorate in Political Science from the City University of New York. She has taught and lectured at various synagogues and schools in and out of New York.
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  • Women’s Issues - Poskot, Ritual, Abortion, etc
  • Halachic Issues of the Holidays
  • Various Talmudic and Halachic Topics
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