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Ezra Rosenfeld Gush Etzion, Israel
Executive Director, ZOMET

Ezra Rosenfeld is the Executive Director of the ZOMET (Crossroads) Institute which seeks to develop technology and publish studies to create practical and philosophical solutions that enable Israeli institutions to function within a halachic framework. He was born in New York and made aliyah in 1970. He received his bachelors degree in electro-optical engineering from the Jerusalem College of Technology and a MS in Physics from Yeshiva University. His religious education includes study at Yeshivat Chafetz Chaim and the Jerusalem College of Technology. He is the editor of five volumes of Crossroads – Halachah and the Modern World.
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Heres a list of speeches from this speaker.

  • Medinat Yisrael Al Pi HaTorah Seventy-five Years Later
  • Halachah and Modern Technology
  • Jewish Law Faces Changing Social and Technological Realities
  • Human Dignity in Jewish Law
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