Teach the next generation! Increase your children's knowledge by bringing informal learning opportunities for youth to your community. The following organizations offer activities, shabbatonim, and summer programs to stimulate active youth involvement in your synagogue:

Add meaning to daily ritual by increasing your community's knowledge! Organize pamphlets or classes on the weekly Torah portion, holidays, halacha, or other timely events. The following are sites that may be useful for gathering basic information. For additional ideas and more in depth sources, see our section on "Interesting Learning Opportunities."

Add insight to your community's Shabbat experience! Invite a scholar-in-residence to join your synagogue for a weekend of learning. Speakers can engage community members through lectures during services, community meals, an oneg Shabbat, or a melaveh malka. The following are a limited number of topic suggestions that connect directly to spirituality and synagogue. For speakers on a wide range of topics, please see our "Speakers Referral Service."

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