Keep your community informed! Plan an educational program that incorporates Israeli personalities, history, politics, or culture. These sites offer background information on Israel, as well as articles, speeches, and list serves to keep community members up-to-date on Israeli current events. The latter enables you to hear radio, news, and sports updates LIVE from Israel!

Infuse your area with Zionist learning opportunities by creating a Religious Zionist Kollel in your community. This site will help you locate established kollelim all around the world and help your community start one of its own.

Teach your community Hebrew! Locate a Hebrew literacy class in your area or find out how your synagogue can set up one of its own. The National Jewish Outreach Program Web Site explains how you and your neighbors can partake in FREE Hebrew crash courses. The National Center for Hebrew Language Web Site offers tools to help teach Hebrew so your community can plan an individualized program.

Help strengthen your children's connection to Israel! Establish Zionist youth programs in your area and encourage local children to participate in Zionist summer programs. This site offers information on Bnei Akiva activities, events, and summer opportunities. It also includes tips on how to raise funds and plan your own events.

Increase your child's knowledge about Israel! Encourage your local day school to create a curriculum on Zionism. This site offers information and activities which can be used to build a Zionism curriculum

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