OUR LEADERSHIP: Edah Executive Committee Members
President Morton Landowne
Chair of Board Murray Laulicht
Vice President for Leadership Development Suri Kasirer
Vice President for Community Development Mark Charendoff
Vice President for Programs Rella Feldman
Treasurer David Eisner
Chair, Advisory Council Rabbi Haskel Lookstein
Chair, Financial Resources Development Sender Cohen
Chair, PR and Marketing Larry Kobrin
Chair, Day School Education Shelley Cohen
Chair, Adult Education Linda Sterling
Member at Large Linda Levi Tarlow
Member at Large Michael Jesselson
Member at Large Steven Pretsfelder
Member at Large Noam Shudofsky

PRESIDENT - MORTON LANDOWNE holds an executive position in a private packaging business. He is a graduate of Yeshiva College and has a JD from Brooklyn Law School. He is a Board member of the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University, a Vice-President of the Orthodox Union, a Vice-President of the Ohr Torah Institutions in Israel, and was a Partner at Edah prior to joining its Board.

CHAIR OF BOARD - MURRAY LAULICHT has been a partner, specializing in business litigation, in the Florham Park law firm of Pitney, Hardin, Kipp & Szuch since 1979. He graduated from Yeshiva College and from Columbia University School of Law, where he was first in his class. Thereafter, Mr. Laulicht served as a member of the staff of the Warren Commission and then as Law Clerk to Judge Harold Medina of the United States Court of Appeals.

From 1996 to 1999, Mr. Laulicht was the president of the United Jewish Federation of MetroWest, NJ. He currently serves as a member of the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education (Chairman, 1992-95) and the boards of directors of United Jewish Communities, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations and Stern College for Women, an affiliate of Yeshiva University.

He served previously as chairman of the MetroWest Federation's Community Relations Committee, president of the Jewish Education Association of MetroWest and of his synagogue, Congregation Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob & David in West Orange, and as a member of the board of the Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy.

Mr. Laulicht is married to the former Linda Kushner. The Laulichts are blessed with four daughters and thirteen grandchildren.

VICE PRESIDENT FOR LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT - SURI KASIRER is an expert in public affairs and an accomplished government relations strategist. She rose steadily in her public service career, which culminated in an appointment as Special Assistant to former New York State Governor Mario M. Cuomo. During the past three years, Ms. Kasirer has focused her efforts on her private consulting practice.

Ms. Kasirer provies a wide range of consulting services, guiding each client with political fundraising and strategic government relations advice. Her current client list contains a broad array of private sector and quasi-governmental organizations. These include real estate developers, corporations, private retailing firms and not-for-profit organizations, such as Volunteers of America, ATCO Properties, and the Alliance for Downtown New York.

In addition, she is an experienced political fundraiser, having helped Manhattan Borough President Virginia Fileds, and US Representatives Edolphus Toowns and Carolyn McCarthy all win election. Notably, Ms. Kasirer was the New York Jewish Community coordinator for the Clinton campaign in 1992.

Other candidates for elective office whom Ms, Kasirer has advised include New York State Senator Eric Schneiderman, and State Assembly Members Daryl Towns and Mark Weprin.

A native New Yorker, Ms. Kasirer is a member of the Woman's Leadership Forum, the Ansonia Democratic Club, and is on the board of the National Jewish Democratic Council. She lives on the Upper West Side with her husband, Bruce Teitelbaum.

VICE PRESIDENT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - MARK CHARENDOFF is the President of the Jewish Funders Network. He is the former Vice President of the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies where he helped to establish the Birthright Israel program. He has previously served as Director of Jewish Educational Services for the JCC Association of North America. Mark serves as an officer of Edah, on the Executive Committee of The New York Jewish Week, on the boards of the Jewish Communal Service Association of North America and the Rockleigh Jewish Home for the Aged and on the Advisory Board of the Washington Institute for Leadership and Values. He is the Co-Editor of Jewish Education and the Jewish Community Center.

VICE PRESIDENT FOR PROGRAMS - RELLA FELDMAN has been an active community lay leader in many organizations. Currently, she is President of Women's Division, UJA Bergen County and North Hudson. She received her BA from Boston University, an MA in Teaching from Northwestern University and a second MA in Jewish Education from Jewish Theological Seminary. A member of the Moriah School Board of Trustees, she served as President from 1995-1999. Actively involved at Moriah for the past 24 years, and having chaired two searches for principal in that time, she gained insight into the serious issues facing our community in Jewish education. She is Vice President of Drisha Institute and is a member of the Orthodox Caucus, having served as founding chair of the Caucus' Bergen County Ethics Project. She is a member of the Second Generation Advisory Council of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and Chair of the Education Committee of Ghetto Fighters' House-Yad Leyeled Museum in Israel. She is married to Dr. Charles Feldman and has five children, two of whom are married, and two granddaughters.

CHAIR, ADVISORY COUNCIL - RABBI HASKEL LOOKSTEIN has been Rabbi of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun in Manhattan since 1958, and Principal of the RAMAZ school since 1966. Having a BA from Columbia College, Rabbi Lookstein received an MA in Rabbinics and a Ph.D. in Modern Jewish History from Bernard Revel Graduate School and Ordination from Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Theological Seminary, both affiliates of Yeshiva University.

A past President of Yeshiva University, Rabbinic Alumni, and Professor of Humanities at REITS, of Yeshiva University, Rabbi Lookstein has made his mark on a number of areas of Jewish communal concern. He is a past Chairman of the Greater New York Coalition for Soviet Jews, a past President of the New York Board of Rabbis, a past President of the Synagogue Council of America, a past Chairman of the Rabbinic Cabinet of national UJA and member of the Board of the Joint Distribution Committee where he is a past Chairman of its Subcommittee on Yeshivot in Israel.

Rabbi Lookstein's widespread involvement and impact is indicated in the variety of publications which have featured his writings -- Tradition, Sh'ma, Congress Monthly, Moment, HaDarom, and newspapers around the country and Israel. He is the author of Were We Our Brother's Keepers: The Public Response of American Jews to the Holocaust, 1938-44. Rabbi Lookstein was an active member of the initial Advisory Board of Edah.

He is married to the former Audrey Katz, and is the father of four and grandfather of twelve.

CHAIR, PR AND MARKETING - LAWRENCE A. KOBRIN has been an active real estate attorney and is now the senior real estate partner of a Wall Street law firm. After graduating from Ramaz, he attended Columbia College and Columbia Law School. Mr. Kobrin is currently the Chairman of the Board of The Jewish Week in New York, a member of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Campus Life Fund at Columbia University, and of the Board of Directors of the UOJCA, where he has been a national officer and chairman of its Israel Commission. He is active on the executive committees of the Beth Din of America and the Orthodox Caucus.

A member of the Board of Directors of New York UJA-Federation, he has served as chairman of the Domestic Distribution Committee and the Communal Planning Committee. Deeply active in a large number of institutions, he has been the president of his synagogue, The Jewish Center, chairman of Ramaz School, president of Massad Camps, founding board member of Camp Morasha, secretary of the American Bar Ilan University Board, vice chairman of Yeshiva University's Wurzweiler School of Social Work, and chairman of Ariel Midrasha Institutes.

Mr. Kobrin's professional associations have included service as a founding member of the Cooperative Housing Lawyers Group, and membership in the American College of Real Estate Lawyers and the National Association of College and University Attorneys. He has also been an officer of the Columbia College Alumni Association.

He and his wife reside on the Upper West Side where they raised their three children, two of whom are embarked on careers in Jewish education.

CHAIR, DAY SCHOOL EDUCATION - SHELLEY COHEN is an active advocate for the inclusion of special needs children in Jewish educational and recreational environments. A member of the boards of directors of the New Jersey YM/YWHA Camps, and of the Beit Issie Shapiro School for the Developmentally and Physically Disabled in Ra'anna, Israel, Ms. Cohen was one of the founders of Kesher, LD, a multi-school special needs program in South Florida.

Prior to taking time off to raise her children, Ms. Cohen was active in the Jewish community as Congressional Liaison at the Coalition to Free Soviet Jews and as Director of Israel Affairs at the JCRC of Greater New York.

MEMBER AT LARGE - LINDA LEVI TARLOW is the Assistant Executive Vice President of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, where she oversees JDC's worldwide planning and budgeting process. In this capacity, she is responsible for program development for JDC activities around the globe. She has traveled extensively throughout the JDC world, including Israel, the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia. Ms. Tarlow has been with JDC since 1985.

Before coming to JDC, Ms. Tarlow was the Director of the Management Assistant Program at UJA-Federation of New York where she provided consultation in areas such as planning, marketing, financial management, and program evaluation.

Ms. Tarlow lived in Israel from 1972-79 where she was program director of Jerusalem YM and YWHA and later Community Service Director of Eshel, the Association for the Planning and Development of Services for the Aged in Israel. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the World Council of Jewish Communal Service and the Professional Advisory Committee of the Hornstein Program in Jewish Communal Service at Brandeis.

Ms. Tarlow is a graduate of New York University. She received an MA from Brandeis University's Hornstein Program in Jewish Communal Service. She is married to Steve Tarlow, they have two children and live in Teaneck, NJ.

MEMBER AT LARGE - MICHAEL JESSELSON is President of the Jesselson Capital Corporation. He is involved in several Jewish organizations and serves on the board of Yeshiva University, Ramaz, Bar Ilan University, and the Center for Jewish History.

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