Develop a committee to redirect the focus of Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebrations

In many communities, Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebrations lose their spiritual character and become moments of materialistic ostentation and adolescent revelry, despite the best intentions of parents.

Develop a joint committee consisting of parents, educators, pre and post Bar/Bat Mitzvah children and community Rabbis, to explore ways of enhancing or restoring the spiritual and ethical meaning of this vital religious moment.

  • Explore the possibility of creating communal limits on expenditures for such events. Consider a community relationship to Mazon, or to the Grinspoon Foundation's "Young Philanthropists" project, as ways of enhancing the ethical message of the occasion.
    12401 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 303
    Los Angeles, CA 90025-1015
    Phone: (310) 442-0020
    Fax: (310) 442-0030

    Tracie Bernstein, National Coordinator of Bnai Tzedek
    (413) 781-0712
    380 Union St
    West Springfield MA 01089

  • Have open discussion about the character of musical and other entertainment that is appropriate for Bat/Bar Mitzvah celebrations. This is a perfect context for discussions of the broad notion of Tzniut as a communal value.

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