Before you undertake any of the following projects, gather your facts, consult with the responsible community professionals and build a network of supporters amongst lay and professional leaders. These sites offer information that may be of assistance to you.

The following are links to organizations that specialize in Jewish education. They will be able to help you find additional resources in your area!

Additional Publications and Services
The following is a list of links to specific online services that will help connect you to additional Jewish educational institutions so that you can share ideas and material.

  • International Jewish School Network
    Sponsored by the Shem Yisrael Torah Network, this site will locate Jewish day schools around the world.

  • National Conference of Synagogue Youth (NCSY)
    This site gives you the information that you need to order the Keeping Posted Education Guide 2000, a publication on Yeshiva High Schools, Israel programs, and Jewish colleges.

  • Pedagogic Resource Center for Jewish Education
    A service of the Melton Center for Jewish Education, Hebrew University, this web site connects you to one of the largest sources of publications and multimedia resources in Jewish education.

  • Torah Education Network
    Sponsored by the Orthodox union, this site offers links to a broad range of individual Jewish educational institutions throughout the United States and Canada.

Curriculum Ideas
This list includes some of the many curriculum resources that can be found online. We hope you find these helpful and interesting.

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