Evaluate the use of integrated curriculum in the school.

One of the distinguishing elements of modern Orthodox schools are their commitment to the wholeness of the educational experience. A way of manifesting that value is by integrating Jewish and general studies when that is educationally feasible.

  • Form a small committee of educators and parents to discover and review materials that have already been prepared in this manner. Evaluate the distinctive needs and character of your own school to determine whether you have the capacity to introduce such integrated courses or units within the curriculum.
  • Many schools have already experimented with and adopted grade appropriate courses or units in which integrated curriculum is utilized; other schools can use these experiments as models.
  • Seek out, in your school and community, people who have the capacity to create linkages between the Jewish studies curriculum of the school and the real world. Invite such people to contribute to the Jewish educational venture through their presence or their consultations.

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