Create a dialogue group for parents of diverse religious commitments!

In order to grow in quantity and in quality, most schools need to serve a parent body which is quite diverse in its religious beliefs and behaviors. Misunderstanding and mis-communication often results from this diversity between parents, teachers and administration, as well as amongst parents themselves.

  • Organize a discussion group at which parents, teachers and administrators can share their ideological and behavioral commitments and work out ways to assure maximum tolerance of diversity within the framework of the mission statement of the school.
  • The group can also develop mechanisms to assure that the lines of communication between all of the stakeholders will remain open to address and resolve problems as soon as they arise.
  • Many community based and national organizations will provide, or direct you to, a professional moderator to assure maximum benefit from this process. If you're looking for a moderator, Rosalyn Bell (, the Communications Coordinator for the Conference on Alternatives in Jewish Education (CAJE) may be able to help.

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