Examine the educational environment for girls and women

The enormous advances that have been made in the Jewish education of girls in the primary grades and High School over the past twenty-five years have not been consolidated in a consistent fashion in all Jewish schools. There remains diversity in principle and in implementation as to what is appropriate and possible.

  • Create a standing committee in the school to monitor the educational and environmental condition of the school for its female students. Where boys and girls do not study in the same classes together, it is necessary to examine the relative quality of the curriculum for each gender, the quality of teachers, Tefilla participation and access to extra-curricular activities. In all situations it is essential to explore the character of girls' participation in classroom discussion and debate, the application of Tzniut standards in the school, and the attitudes of teachers towards the question of Jewish education for women.
  • This same committee should explore the position of women teachers within the school. Is their salary scale the same as that for male teachers, do they have the same number of preparations and the same number of students in their classes, how does the absence of Semicha for women impact on their opportunities for advancement in teaching and administration?

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