Searching the Library
1. Enter the keyword(s) you are looking for.

2. Choose your category.
If you know whether you are looking for a book, author, article or speech this can speed up your search and decrease the number of irrelevant results you receive.

3. Choose your type of search. There are three types of searches you can use:
  • Any of the words
    This type of search will return all entires that contain at least one of the words you enter.
    If you entered the words "Torah" and "Women" your results would include everything in the database containing the word "Torah" and everything in the database conatining the word "Women", as well as everything in the database containing both words.

  • All of the words
    This type of search will only return entires that contain at all of the words you enter.
    If you entered the words "Torah" and "Women" your results would include everything in the database containing both "Torah" and "Women" but would not include entries that only contain one of the words.

  • The Exact Phrase
    This type of search will only return entires that contain at all of the words you enter, in the order you entered them.
    If you entered the words "Women and the Study of Torah" your results would include everything in the database containing that exact phrase but would not include entries that only contain one of the words nor would they include entries that contain all of the words in a different order.
4. Choose the number of results you want per page.
The higher the number the longer it will take the results page to load. If you have a slow connection we suggest you do not request more than 10 results per page.

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