Encourage unity among the leaders of the next generation! Plan an informative panel discussion on methods to promote interaction among Jewish youth. For example, the Bronfman Youth Fellowship in Israel is an educational summer program that allows teenagers from all affiliations to experience the wonders of Israel together. Unite local students against a common enemy! Bring teenagers together to discuss the struggle against assimilation that all Jewish students face during their college experiences; in doing so, you will encourage them to partake in a pluralist life on campus. This site will help you locate representatives of Hillel, an interdenominational organization on college campuses across the country, to advise community members on making the most of Jewish life on campus. Hillel offers nationwide programs to encourage pluralist student leadership, including conferences, internships, and travel opportunities. Foster unity by promoting a shared learning experience! Encourage local leadership to learn more about each other through interdenominational programs so that they can make use of their knowledge in your area. The Wexner Heritage Foundation offers community leaders an opportunity to learn together. CLAL offers many programs for rabbis, professionals, and graduate students to encourage pluralism. |